不思議ちゃん歌姫ビヨークが、「伝説のロックバンド レッド・ツェッペリンからのオファーを受け入れ、ヴォーカルとして加入することに決定」。ツェッペリン再結成ツアーには、ビヨークがヴォーカルとして参加し、世界ツアーを開始させるとのこと。
Björk has accepted the position of lead vocalist for legendary Led Zeppelin, but it was evident that their world tour was in turmoil after original singer Robert Plant decided to concentrate on live work with Allison Krauss. They have been looking for new singer to tour and record with as reported in the media.
Björk has though put forward her wish that they only cover with her songs from album I and IV, among them pure classics like:
"Good Times Bad Times", "You Shook Me", "Dazed and Confused", "Your Time Is Gonna Come", "Black Mountain Side", "Communication Breakdown", "I Can’t Quit You Baby", "Black Dog" , "Rock and Roll", "The Battle of Evermore" and "Stairway to Heaven".
The tour kicks off in June after Björk has fulfilled her other engagements. For further details of the tour and tickets are here.