一度、アルカリ電池の捨て方について、Recycling Council of British Columbia に問い合わせたことがあります。以下がその返答の一部です。
Household alkaline batteries are recyclable, but unfortunately there are few options available for recycling them in B.C. There are a few retailers who are now taking back batteries at there stores; in the Lower Mainland any Futureshop, Bestbuy or Ikea will take them back for free for recycling. In Vancouver you can also Drop them off at the SPEC office:
Society for Promoting Environmental Protection (SPEC), Vancouver
2150 Maple Street
phone: 604-736-7732
Another option is a company called Toxco Waste Management, as they sell deposit boxes that can be set up to collect alkaline batteries in a community. When the boxes are full they are shipped back to be recycled, and the cost of the box includes all shipping charges. You can find more information about this program at:
If you have not already done so, you may want to consider replacing your single-use alkaline batteries with rechargeable ones. Rechargeable batteries are more environmentally friendly as they are much easier to recycle and last significantly longer then regular batteries as they can be re-used. Once rechargeable batteries have been exhausted, there is a provincial program for free recycling. For more information on this program as well as a listing of drop-off sites in your area, please visit www.rbrc.org/call2recycle/index.html
バンクーバー 2008/03/24 16:25:32
Rage Against Canadians
Curious J Monkey 2008/03/24 18:31:01