Getting a better job in Canada is more about communication and presentation. education is important but experience is more important. you need to look confident and able to convince them that you have the skills and can do the job.. confidence comes from experience.. experience takes time.. I usually stay with one company for no more than 2.5 years.. at that point I feel I have enough experience and confidence to apply for a better job. they care about what certificates you have but they don’t look at certificates or do not know how your certificates can help you do the job. however, experience gives them a better idea of what you can do and if that is close to what they want you to do for them. presentation is very important.. you have to be confident and sound like you can do the job and can learn very fast. most companies have to teach you their own processes and way of doing things anyway so they look for someone who will not need too much training. Also, you could have all the experience and certificates in the world but if you do not have the communication skills to present yourself then you are not getting anywhere. The good news is there are so many jobs out and lots of good chances. so good luck :)
バンクーバー 2007/06/15 13:32:38
バンクーバー 2007/06/15 15:59:53
Communication skillsは確かにかけてる気がする。自信もそんなにない・・・。
"most companies have to teach you their own processes and way of doing things"