Here is the general rule... if you’re eating an animal because someone told you it will make your penis bigger then you’re eating the wrong animal. People who do so usually eat whale or tiger or bear or some other endangered animal. As for dogs, that’s just disgusting in any culture. I think it is very gay and disgusting to see people carry those little fluffy dogs in their bags trying to be cool and it is also equally disgusting to be eating them... it’s not hard to just deal rightfully with animals.. just do what is logical and right.
無回答 2007/02/26 16:30:00
↑の奴が言う「it’s not hard to just deal rightfully with animals.. just do what is logical and right」てあるけどこんなのは個人の勝手な考えだからあてにならないよ。
there is a difference between eating an animal that is domesticated and mass produced and an animal that is almost extinct. as for the little dogs I find disgusting, there dogs are genetically modified and bred over and over again until they make them that small. And for that these little dogs have a shorter life and get all kinds of bone deseases when they get older. be happy if you have food. adopt a dog because you want to give a poor animal a home and not because it makes you look cute. and if you put all that love you have for whale meat into a relation you may have a successful love life.