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by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/02 12:01:05

Liberal Party のリーダー選挙戦みてますか?
3rd Ballot results

Dion 37%
Ignatieff 34.5%
Bob Rae 28%


Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/02 13:05:05

Res.2 by けい from バンクーバー 2006/12/02 15:02:25

Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/12/02 19:40:22

Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/02 20:06:11

どんでん返しになったわね、でもあるリポーターは彼だと先日はっきりいった記憶がある。やはりケベック州、又です、強いです。一寸前にクッベク州はカナダ国家の中のネイションとハーパー首相が発言した時、首相はマイコー(Igntieff)に優先権を?と皆思いました。彼だと次期選挙に勝てるから。だからハーパー氏はBob Raeがリーダーになったら勝ち目が無いと思ってたようです。
Bob Raeの致命傷は、彼が元NDPだったからです、デレゲイトはよーくみて判断しました。だから所属党を変えれたりしたら必ずお返しが来るのです。
Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/12/02 20:10:29


なんで? 私はハーパーは結構いい仕事してると思うけど。総選挙はすぐにやらないでほしい。まだまだハーパーの仕事振りを見たいって感じ。  
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/02 20:34:37

Res.7 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/02 20:40:38



Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/03 10:22:41

queer eyeさんはLiberal支持派ですか?内緒よね。

ハーパー氏の作戦勝ちかも。彼はバブ・レイがリーダーになるのを恐れていたようで(次期選挙)、queer eye さんの意見とは一寸違う感じ。ディオン氏とマイコゥはハーパー首相の(クベック)ネイション発言に同意だったが、バブは非難した。国民はこの意味に混乱したし、これがいわゆる政治なのかな・・

ベトナムのムームー着たハーパー氏をCBC「Canadian Air Farce」でも取り上げてたね。  
Res.9 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/03 16:52:20

あたしは、fiscally conservative, socially liberalなのよ。だから以前だったらもうなくなってしまったPC party とリベラルの間くらいだったかしら。Canadian Allianceとくっ付いて新しいコンサバになってからは完全にリベラルなんだけど。

Res.10 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/03 17:24:59

queer eye さん、回答してくださって有難う。

Res.11 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/04 14:06:30

>Canadian Alliance
そうそう、思い出した、この党知らなかった、アメリカに住んでたから。帰ってきたら、何だか?それがとても不満だった。でも合流してProgressive Conservative が Conservativeになって良かった。
昨日のニュースではLiberal leaderが Deon氏になりハーパー首相、NDPのジャックも良かったと言ったそうよ(次期選挙)。

Res.12 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/04 20:33:54


ハーパー氏って、そんなに評判よいのですか? すごく保守的だな〜(Toryだから当たり前ですが)と思うので、国民ってついていってるのかな、って思って。 まだ私ここにいるの1年弱なのでよくわからないのですが、弱者のための予算を削ってますよね。 ホームレスの人たちが利用している施設もシャットダウンに追い込まれるんではないかとか・・。 これだけ増えてるAIDS問題についても無視しまくってるみたいだし。環境対策だって京都議定書ほとんど無視ですよね・・。それでも政治ってこんなものなんでしょうか? いいことばかりやってるんじゃ政治家やってられませんしね。政治のことよくわからないのですが、素朴に疑問に思うんです。 どなたか教えてください。  
Res.13 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/12/04 20:40:12

Res.14 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/04 21:54:38


弱者云々はいつまでたっても改善が見えないでは無駄金を使いたくないらしい。何処かに線を引かねばきりが無いですから。前政党がいかに無駄金を使い放題だったかをAuditor Generalが今インベスティゲイトしていて、色々報告しています。殆ど湯水の如く無駄金を使い果たしていましたよ。それから州政府と国の政治をごっちゃにしないことです。
Res.15 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/12/04 23:09:42

Res.16 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/05 09:38:12


Layton gets rear-ended ― by his own question
Dec. 5, 2006. 01:00 AM

Perhaps it was a novel twist on that old line about throwing the bums out of office.

NDP Leader Jack Layton, a little overshadowed yesterday by the arrival in the Commons of the new Liberal leader Stéphane Dion, still managed to bring things to a hilarious halt when demanding that the government stop subsidies to large energy companies.

It all went wrong when Layton tried to say "big gas."

"Will the Prime Minister finally get something done and do something the former government would not, and cancel the subsidies to big oil and big ass ― big gas ― and start putting ..."

That’s as far as Layton got ― before the Commons dissolved in laughter.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, deadpan, managed to reply: "I promise to get to the bottom of it."

Then, in an apparent nod to his own issues with weight, Harper added: "I am really not sure whether I should take what the leader of the NDP says personally."

Layton had no explanation for his big-ass gaffe.

"Mr. Speaker, my apologies. I have no idea what was crossing my mind today. This House is in a strange place today."  
Res.17 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/05 16:45:26

queer eye san,
OMG! You’ve missed this great opportunity, haven’t you?

That particular part of speech was shown on last night news, CBC & CTV, and I couldn’t help myself laughing so hard.
“Mr. Layton’s tongue tripped”, that what the expression of the news reporter.
Then the House was overwhelmed by P.M. Mr. Harper’s quick response with great sense of humour (soon after Mr. Layton’s speech. as shown above).
Good for you, Mr. Harper! That’s Canadian.
All the House members are a politician and a kind of comedian, though they’re our representatives.

Most likely to be shown “gas (otherwise)” speech clip(s) on “Rick Mercer Report” and “Canadian Air Farce” comedy soon. Hardly wait to see that.

Anyhow there’re so many occasion going on in the House such as joking, kidding, horsing around including twist each other’s arm with a lots sense of humour.
Not too long ago when Mr. Harper back from the Asian Conference held in Vietnam, and the House member picking on him wore Vietnamese muumuu at the photo session there. “Canadian Air Farce” TV shows did joke about him not so pretty sight (bad looks) as well. This was exactly what I was expected. Anyway, you got to see it to believe it (LOL).

Is anything happening in the House today?  
Res.18 by うさぎ from 無回答 2006/12/06 18:48:33

Res.19 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/12/06 20:47:52

queer eye って一日中何してんだろ。いろんなところにレスしてるよね。働いてない暇なおばさんかな。  
Res.20 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/07 16:09:04



Dec. 7, 2006. 06:55 PM

OTTAWA ― The last major threat to same-sex marriage rights in Canada was soundly defeated in the House of Commons today, with MPs sending the message that they don’t want to revisit the emotional, divisive debate.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he heard the message and will respect it.

“We made a promise to have a free vote on this issue, we kept that promise, and obviously the vote was decisive and obviously we’ll accept the democratic result of the people’s representatives,” Harper said.

“I don’t see reopening this question in the future.”

The question put to MPs was whether they wanted to see legislation drafted to reinstate the traditional definition of marriage, while respecting the existing marriages of gays and lesbians.

That Conservative motion failed 175-123.

In the tense Commons, MPs watched each other carefully to see how the other would vote. Some Liberals cheered as prominent Tories voted to let sleeping dogs lie. Some Conservatives applauded Liberals who did the opposite.

Ultimately, more MPs supported same-sex marriage than in the last vote on the issue in June 2005.

During that charged vote last year, only three Tories voted in favour of expanding the definition of marriage. Today, the number who approved the status quo was 13, including high-profile politicians such as Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay, Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon and International Development Minister Josee Verner.

Said Cannon: “The file is finished. We’re turning the page.”

On the Liberal side, the number of MPs committed to going back to the traditional definition of marriage dropped from 32 to 13. MP Joe Comuzzi, who lost a ministerial post the last time around for refusing to toe the cabinet line, voted against today’s motion.

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe, who himself had two MPs snub party discipline today by not voting at all, said he imagined the result was precisely what the Conservative government was hoping for.

“I think it’s over now. I’m pretty sure that Mr. Harper is also pleased with what happened,” Duceppe said.

In fact, many Tories had said privately ― and publicly ― over the last few months that they wanted to get past the same-sex marriage issue and have it done with before the next election.

Tory MP Bill Casey said the vote came as a relief. Casey also went from supporting traditional marriage to wanting to have the matter closed.

“If the vote had gone the other way, we would have spent the next several years with this as the main motivator here . . . so I just voted to move on,” Casey said.

But some politicians were questioning whether the Conservatives had something else up their sleeve. Some reports had said the government was poised to introduce legislation to protect Canadians who did not want to perform gay marriages for religious reasons.

Justice Minister Vic Toews and Harper said that wasn’t in the cards.

“The government has no plans in that regard,” Harper said. “If there were any time in the future when fundamental freedoms were threatened, of course the government would respond to protect them. The government has no plans at this time.”

The House of Commons has been dealing with the issue of same-sex marriage in earnest since 2002, when the Commons voted overwhelmingly to support the traditional definition of marriage. In 2003, however, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that barring same-sex couples from marriage was unconstitutional.

Gays and lesbians began marrying in the province, and soon other jurisdictions faced similar rulings and began issuing licences.

About 12,000 gay Canadians, as well as foreign visitors, have been married in the last three years.

The previous Liberal government took the further step of consulting the Supreme Court on whether its own legislation would infringe upon freedom of religion. The court responded that the Charter would protect churches from having to officiate such marriages.

Laurie Arron of Canadians for Equal Marriage celebrated the decision.

“It’s quite clear that after three votes in three years in three different parliaments that this issue is settled,” Arron said. ``It’s quite clear there is a growing consensus among Canadians the equal marriage is here to stay.”

Meanwhile, REAL Women of Canada, a socially conservative lobby group in favour of traditional marriage, said they would push for a national referendum on the issue.

“Elitist political leaders apparently believe that Canada is still in the twentieth century, where political parties ignored the opinion of the voting public,” the group said in a release.

“Arrogant political leaders do not, in fact, know what’s best for everyone.”

(c) Toronto Star  
Res.21 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/07 23:03:34

Thanks queer eye san,
Wow, is it already printed today?
I’ve read it, and make no comment on it since the issue has been settled.
How do you like a new leader, Mr. Dion?

Yes, Peter MacKay is a good looking darling; all women in the world love him so.
I don’t think Belinda deserves Peter anyway.

Do you people watch CBC “Canadian Air Farce” and “Rick Mercer Report”?
You know what? I’m expecting to see that clip from the tripped Mr. Layton’s tongue gas/ass speech at the House on tomorrow (Friday) night “Canadian Air Farce” show.
I’m strongly recommending you all to watch the show to laugh again.
This, however, I can not guarantee you a 100%.
Anyhow, I got a kick out of from this.

Instead of my disappointment of Rick show on Tuesday, “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” made me laugh again shown the exact clips from the Parliament House.  
Res.22 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/08 16:08:07

I don’t really have a lot to say about Dion, basically let’s wait and see in the next few months. I do hope he can debate well in English and develop some sense of humour. I am afraid he could start to speak some gibberish under intense pressure, but hey who knows he might be like Chretien in the future (in more than one way).

I hardly ever watch CBC. ;) I didn’t watch it but someone told me about Rick visiting Harper at 24 Sussex drive on his show. Interestingly enough, Harper did a great job handling Rick’s questions? He even insisted Rick stay overnight or something. Considering Rick’s being gay, I thought it was kind of hilarious that he was asked to stay.  
Res.23 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/08 18:06:04

Yeah, exactly!
Mr. Harper was such an actor/comedian in that Rick show.
How could you miss that one too?
Are you going to watch CBC Canadian Air Face show tonight?
It is a very funny show, mostly based on Canada/USA politics, and I love that sense of humour.  
Res.24 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/12/08 21:30:42

Res.25 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/08 22:00:57

Oh shoot!
The show one before was This Hour has 22 minutes shown the same clip, the same show I saw this week already.
However, the one I was talking about, Royal Canadian Air Farce, didn’t show that clips, sorry about that.
You guys enjoyed without it, aren’t you?
I did though was so funny.  
Res.26 by Usagi from 無回答 2006/12/10 10:36:00

I would like to know more about Canadian politics.
Please keep on talking.  
Res.27 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/10 14:15:58

Usagi san,

It’s not that a big subject deal here.
We’re only talking about some of the most current specific subject issue that caught in our attention.
If you want to finds more information, please visit internet and watch TV news regularly.
Here are some sources.
TV: cpac, Ch. 101 House of Commons; CBC, CTV, etc.
You can also access to B.C. Provincial MLA debate from Victoria thru TV. (I believe it Ch.103 (?) week days)

However, Canadian politics in both members of Parliament and MLA will go into recess soon due to the year end Holiday Seasons.

A Merry Christmas to you all.  
Res.28 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/10 17:13:51

I finally saw this clip onb youtube! OMG, this was funny. Rick got the hug in the end but the kids didn’t.  
Res.29 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/10 17:46:48

queer eye san,
Wow, you’re super!
I dodn’t even know it’s on youtube.
Yes, this is the one I really enjoyed.

Thanks queer eye san.
Res.30 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/11 14:41:05

I searched for Rick Mercer and a lot came up. Do you remember "Talking to Americans"? Is it still on? I vaguely knew Americans don’t know anything happening outside their own country, but some of the things they say on camera is really mind boggling. (Congratulations to Canada on legalizing VCRs???!!!) It alsmot scares me to guess what they really know about Japanese if that’s all they know about Canadians.  
Res.31 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/11 18:38:16

Another storm is here again. Be careful out there.

You know what?
Accidentally I found the Rich Mercer Report recently. In fact the same show we just saw thru YouTube, Rick visited M.P. Mr. Harper on 24 Sussex Dr. was my first, and I got a kick out of it ever since.

Regards to your query "Talking to Americans", I don’t think I’ve ever watched.
Sorry, I don’t have a clue.  
Res.32 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/11 21:29:26

By the way,
Do you know this man? He is a gossip blogger.

He is referring to this guy.  
Res.33 by queer eye from バンクーバー 2006/12/12 11:47:28

I found "Talking to Americans"

No I don’t know that gossib globber... However...I do get my share of gossip from

Check this one out from the page: (I do have to say Mary, the porn star looks better than Mariah, though)

Mariah Carey afraid of being confused with porn star

Mariah Carey is trying to block porn star Mary Carey from trademarking her name because she’s afraid her fans could get the two confused. A lawyer for the porn star says:

"My first thought was, does Mariah Carey realize what her lawyer is comparing her to and are they seriously concerned? Do they seriously think the fans are going to be confused?"

I can see where the confusion might come from. I mean one’s a Grammy winning singer and the other, uh, has sex with men on film. Up until I read the article I didn’t even know there was a difference between the two.

Res.34 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/12 21:05:39

Thank you "Talking to Americans", I enjoyed it.
Is that Rick? Looks like Rick, must be Rick, or someone else?
Anyway, I didn’t get the name of the Canada’s Prim Minister.
Who? Name is not familiar to me.
Funny thing a kid said that Canada is our province. ha ha ha
This is a typical American who knows nothing about Canada.
In last, No.1 killer in Canada is frostbite.
This is very funny, ha ha ha
I think this is the best suited explanation of Canada for the majority people in USA who knows nothing but their own country. Gotcha!

I’m not sure next one though.
She looks much more like Mariah Carey, good looking too.
Very hard for me to imagine she is a porn star.  
Res.35 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/12/14 18:23:58

I finally get to know who she is watching Jay’s monologue last night on NBC Tonight show.
Jay said this.
“Mary Carey fans didn’t know she can sing in the DVD.”
Naturally the entire audience loved that joke even though it made up for just laugh knowingly, and this is one piece of Jay’s silly jokes as usual. You know I was not left in the cold, lucky me got laugh instead, thanks to you the information I’ve read not having a clue the other day.
Whether Mary Carey fans got confused with Mariah Carey or not, I’m still puzzling.

Searching for this clip today is out of luck, I guess it’s too early to upload. Only available clips are a week ago is the latest then backward to the old show.
I’m enjoying several old clip that fresh my memories of laugh; President Bush impostor is one of my favour clips.
JibJab for this year was also introduced last night.
Oh well, watching Jay’s show is my daily chore, what else? he he he  
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