英語のウェブページhttp://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/stat/E/96113_01.htm#section48を見てみました。祝日が1.5倍になるとはわかったのですが、下の48の(2)の部分って"...their employer has the same duties under this Act as if the other day were a statutory holiday"、ってようするに代替日もあたかも祝日のように扱われるということで1.5倍かなとも思うのですが、私の英語力ではよくわかりません。どうなんでしょうか?
Substituting another day for a statutory holiday
48 (1) An employer may for one or more employees at a workplace substitute another day off for a statutory holiday if the employer and the employee or a majority of those employees, as the case may be, agree to the substitution.
(2) Any employees affected by the substitution of another day for a statutory holiday have the same rights under this Act and their employer has the same duties under this Act as if the other day were a statutory holiday.