Shrimp Cracker is a Japan’s original
バンクーバー 2006/03/13 22:10:33
I see korean and chinese virsion of かっばえびせん and used to wonder which country is the first made so I checked at Kalbee and it was clear that the company produced at first and has license but it never tie-up with any of these foreign company. The company said それについてはしかるべき行動をとっている”そうですが、実態を把握しててあいまいな回答でした。I wonder if these company is paying for the license fee to make one.韓国産が安いので買ってますが、売り上げかなり違いますよね。 So stop making copy product and create your own. By暇人
You must be a stupid f*cking FOB(fresh off the boat) or a WH(ワーホリ)Are you listening to what you are saying! First of all you have too much time on your hands, IF you are a student you should be reviewing your vocab. All Japan ever does is COPY shit. So please think before you make anymore stupic topics up.