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WANTED:information on mooman
by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/10 12:55:55

i have a cash reward for anyone who knows anything about the where abouts of this mooman.i will pay up to $5000CAD.

Res.1 by mooman from モントリオール 2006/03/10 15:34:55

チャチン、Hey G-Ball... Garbage man... the loser gangster wannabee.. What does "up to" mean?...

How can someone contact you to collect the $5000? If you are paying $5000 cash I just might have to meet to take your money.. I’ll have you met someone to verify that you have the cash - once you hand over the cash I’ll show up..

So, what do you say dumb ass? Do you want to give up $5000 of your parent’s monkey money?

This is great - you are officially the biggest loser... the sad thing is, you’re not trying to lose weight.  
Res.2 by 花子 from バンクーバー 2006/03/10 15:34:56

Res.3 by mooman from モントリオール 2006/03/10 15:51:21

Don’t listen to hanako... I’ll take your money...  
Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/03/10 16:13:04

Res.5 by gangsta from バンクーバー 2006/03/10 17:27:29

You guys are both pathetic, AS IF, any Japanese people (students) want to get involved with your bull shit wanna-be gangsta "looking for ad." Why don’t your guys post an ad in "Loser Wanna be a Gangster" magazine or something!

A message for G-man: Why don’t you ride your bike and look for "mooman" yourslef and maybe save the $5000.00 and put it towards an education.

And Moonman, If you are gonna make threats to other Japanese people on this site, why don’t you get on a plane (since you say you are in TO) and go see G-man and kiss and make-up or MAKE-OUT or something, and save us all time, instead of writing and threatening people on this site. Please Take your GANGSTA business elsewhere!  
Res.6 by mooman from オタワ 2006/03/10 18:00:11

gangsta - looks like you need to read... who’s threatening people?... you’re getting your G’s and M’s mixed up - dumb ass.

Res.7 by mooman from ウィニペグ 2006/03/10 18:08:39

That’s right g-ball man/boy.... peddle your slope, lazy, all talk, wannabee, bad boy, ass back to school. Don’t get your mom upset now... you could be in for a time-out.

ride your bike - I love it... (by the way g-boy... you’re getting your w’s and x’s mixed up... you dont’ have a bmw but instead just a bmx.  
Res.8 by :P from トロント 2006/03/10 20:05:11


MOOMANは過去分詞形も過去形も区別できない誇らしいネイティブスピーカーだと自白してましたね・・・・ どこ出身の、何のネイティブスピーカーかとても気になります。  わたったらスレッドでも立ててくれるとありがたいです。  
Res.9 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/11 02:00:15

this is so funny. i love it. i must have gotten on lots of people’s buttons to get so many responses. this is quite fun. im glad i met mooman and learned to enjoy this.i can feely myself under your skins. mooman, your responses are so weak. i thought u were better than that. u started out so good but just became limp....hahah, remind u of yourself?

to gangsta, are u a gangsta? thought the first rule was to stay outta other peoples business.

im only harrasing mooman now, im done threatening. asking for his location doenst imply threat. wanting to meet mooman and become debate friends. i forgot to ask mooman...what do u say white boy?

inbread white dog. i wonder if you have molested your little sister yet.

there is freedom of speach. i can say what i like.  
Res.10 by :J from バンクーバー 2006/03/11 23:59:47


I know Mooman, he lives in Japan 10 years. I know where he works, How much for company address? お金はどのぐらいですか?連絡はどうすればいいの?
Res.11 by ゼロ from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 00:27:28

Res.12 by gangsta from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 01:05:48

You really must be a retard! You think I’m a gangsta, I mocking you, you little shit, and this is my business, cuz I read this site and I know the people (学生、ワーホリ、社会人etc) that do read this and don’t give a flying F*ck about your wannabe-gangsta talk, so either you find a gandsta site where you can post all the "WANTED" cash reward threats you want, or just drop it....
See, even Moonman won’t even take your bait, so IF you want to have a mature debate, then drop that GANG BS and come out like a real MAN! unless you are so lonely for attention that you are a freak that is pretending to be both G-man and moonman.

And If you really had 5Gs I’d come find you myself!  
Res.13 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 04:43:28

blah blah blah, hahaha. fag, sounds like u are the mooman. did i get your blood boiling yet? hahahha, f*ckin dork. i will do what i like. and this i like.
f*cken dork. why is your dick so small?
mature debate?hahah, what has everyone including mooman write on his posts, real f*cking mature shit eh gangsta! i wills say more shit and gangsta talk to piss u off more, so u wanna piece of me now? f*ck face.
oh and u make is seem like 5G is alot of money....ya, real gangsta that thinks he’s tough. go suck your own little dick and play with your sister’s puss.  
Res.14 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 04:51:16

oh i forgot, to everyone and mooman. do u think i am now able to actually get mooman and injure him close to death or maybe kill him? i mean there is so much evidence on this site i mean with my posts and then with each post your IP address. gets traced right to my place and get convicted for murder. think about it gangsta, u so gangsta~. if something happened to mooman right now by accident i could be a suspect, even tho i didnt do anything. so mooman, no need to be scared anymore, the secret’s out.
everyone keep reading this, its fun. stick your dick up your ass gangsta!hahah.  
Res.15 by Mooman from ケベックシティ 2006/03/12 10:07:23

hey gangsta... it doesn’t surprise me that g-ball didn’t understand you were mocking him...he’s the small guy that has met me on 3 occassions. the best time was when I gave him JPcanada’s address... the f*cking retard actually spent the time to ride his bicycle to downtown vancouver to meet. he couldn’t be older than 10... maybe 11...

g-ball... you’re right about the small dick thing as all japs have small dicks... if you look in your pants you will see a sample size. a tiny mini weiner... .. keep reading your gangster manga.. the only thing more uncool than a wannabee gangster is a gangster - oh.. and a jap from japland.  
Res.16 by ゼロ from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 10:54:07

Res.17 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 13:56:54

hey mooman, are u trying to be proud of being a chicken shit?hahah. thats funny, u repeatedly say that u didnt meet on 3 occasions after u agreed. u ball-less white skinny geek that has a japanese complex.

i’m tired of this site, kinda boring and taking up my time. i dont know how u do it mooman. u spend so much of your time reading posts from other people and u take the energy to reply. u say its hatered but look at it this way, it must really bother u and it seems to run your life. hahahahah, thats the funny part. u always say other people have the complex. hypocrite. u are starting to really look pathetic. i spent about 1 or so weeks on this and now im bored. u have been on here for a much longer time. i’m gonna let u live your life in jealousy and envy for asians. u cna go back and read all the educational content that i have given u.
oh and u suddenly started talking after i said i cant kill u anymore, hahah. the worm creeped out to have some air.
i hope your JAPANESE COMPLEX gets satisfied everytime u come on this site. a guy who can read and write japanese and lived there for 10 years and now hates japan. No...., u dont have a japanese complex...hahaha.

enjoy your pathetic life mooman. i hope someday we will cross paths again.

Res.18 by wanted from 無回答 2006/03/12 14:43:39

I think G-Man is gay...he sounds like he loves Mooman too much that he’s risking $5000  
Res.19 by ピーマン from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 15:13:37

Res.20 by Mooman from ケベックシティ 2006/03/12 17:35:51

jap p-man taste like shit... made a mistake with コンプレックス as this is what the loser japs in canada have, they all want to be white... I hate slope, monkey japs... it’s impossible to have a complex over something I consider savages and look down upon. - no need to say that you failed psychology class.. dumb ass!

g-man’s gay... well of course he is.. he’s the one that drew all the photos of the mooman. he even wrote a couple songs to mooman. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a shrine to mooman... probably cuts out all of the writing, posts them on his wall and wacks to it... you sick f*ck g-gay-man.

Like gangster said.. take your money and go to school. it seems it takes you hours to read the posts. I’m not surprised you are an under achiever and read slow. Probably takes you hours to write a 30 second message. go to school g-ball...  
Res.21 by ピーマン from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 18:53:19

Res.22 by Mooman from オタワ 2006/03/12 20:18:12

piece of crap man - you shouldn’t read my comments seeings that you obviously don’t understand what I wrote. why not just give up trying to understand english and go back to your savage country and be a good little monkey...?

I have to admit that comparing a dirty asshole and japland is the best way to give a perfect image of japland and the people of japan.

People often ask me.. "what didn’t you like about japland?" .. I always reply "the people".. "I hate the people - if there were no japs, japland might be a nice place."

isn’t it time to go home?... back to the hole you go...  
Res.23 by Mooman from 無回答 2006/03/12 20:38:59

hey g-ball... is that what this is all about? Is this all about sucking my cock? Is that what your parent’s money is for? Are you paying to suck my cock with your parent’s money?

Did you want to meat? let me know and if all is okay we can meat on Tuesday night... did you want the meat.. I mean "to meet"... lol...

Okay.. here’s the plan.. you bring the cash and I’ll meet you on Davie and Burrard at 11:15pm on Tuesday in front of the Esso station. We can lock your mama-chari up to the pole and go from there. You have to bring the cash or I’m not cuming... so are you dumb enough to make it 4 for 0..?  
Res.24 by ピーマン from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 21:58:47

Res.25 by gangsta from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 22:14:07

Oh God, I expected a little more from you MOONMAN living and teaching in Japan for 10years and you can’t even get "MEAT" and "meet" correct..... Come on, I understand typos, but that is just STUPID. So I guess I would have to give 1 point up for the G-man for that one. And you do sound GAY! What a better place to meet him (Davie) you must live in the area? I think it’s YOU who will cum when you see G-ball! Have fun! Maybe I’ll be there to watch you guys get it on..... Cuz I’m a GANGSTA too, and I want to get involved!  
Res.26 by gangsta from バンクーバー 2006/03/12 22:42:43

A gift to Moonman and G-man, Love from THE GANGSTA!

Many people will walk in and out of your life,
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

To handle yourselfy, use your head, to handle other, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger.

If someone betrays once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twince, it is your fault

Great minds discuss idea;
Average minds dicuss events;
SMALL MINDS discuss people.

He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses much more;
He who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accedents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.

Learn from the mistakes of others
you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

Friends, you and me..... (moonman and G)
You brought another friend... and we stared our group...
our circle of friends.... and like a circle.... there is no beginning or end...

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift.
-Eleanor Roosevelt.
(Maybe the 3 of us should get together and do coffee on Tue)
Res.27 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/13 02:57:07

hey gangsta, i like your style, haha. compliments to u. peace. i’m pretty much done with this game. its old.

oh mooman, goodluck. its u against the world. well at least this site for now and in your mind the whole asian society. i’m sure u are pissed off inside everytime u walk around vancouver or TO because there are so many asians around.

my last words again. i was here only to make friends with mooman because of his racist sad ways. i love the world and i love my life. but whats not to love, i gots alot~.

live life to the fullest. choose to be happy or choose to be angry. i choose happiness. mooman chooses anger. walking around angry all the time must be fun eh?hahah. have fun mooman.

see u around gangsta. nice to have met both your acquaintances.
Res.28 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/13 03:16:23

oh mooman. u are so pathetic, i cant believe u actually keep asking me to meet u after i was man enough to go and meet u but u shyed away scared and timid. all u are doing is reinforcing the fact that u are a pussy white geek. if u were really serious about meeting me then i would go there to kick your ass.

and $5000 is chump change buddy, i would pay that in a second if i really wanted to have your fingers broken. but dont worry, we’re not going there. the conversations on this site are a joke and cant be taken seriously, its a direct mirror image of the mooman.

mooman with his japanese complex. god, grow up little rejected white boy. just because japan doesnt like u.

oh mooman, u probably smoke crystal meth just like all the white junkies. u buy from asian gangtas?hahah.  
Res.29 by Mooman from 日本 2006/03/13 08:13:25

gangsta - wow are you dumb.. maybe you are g-ball as that’s pretty dumb... "meat" was refering to his gayness you dumb f*ck. "meat on davie"... duh...!

g-ball gangsta wannabee also failed psychology... just another dumb slope.  
Res.30 by G-man from バンクーバー 2006/03/13 18:56:30

haha, geeky white boy.  
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