日本中を騒がせた慰安婦像建立、Canada バーナビー市
無回答 2018/07/11 10:36:04
A 北米 【カナダの深い闇】 「 北米カナダの危険な現状 」
「 President Lee's slave declaration in South Korea 」( 韓国李前大統領の奴隷宣言 ) August 31
100 million Japanese slaves governed by only 600,000 South Korean, North Koreans in Japan!
( ★ August 31,South Korean SBS TV program)
THe Lee Myung-bak South Kouth Korean country President ,’'”reliable Japan is made to do revival of North Korea,
We out of whom I make all the ? ? ? come to Japan have alredy ?
Mar 22, 2018;
★Former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has been arrested over a host of corruption allegations, ranging from bribery to embezzlement and tax evasion.
August 31, South Korean SBS TV program
★South Korea's former President Park Geun-hye has been sentenced to 24 years in jail; OK
A 市長室に行き(4回目)、秘書アーノルドと彼はこの件で、彼の案内で1階の事務クラークに
(市の書類事務クラークに追求の折り、火が衝いたかの様)( 市長の動き開始 )
B 市長は市長直下の(縦の線)市長はRCMPを動かす。
C この動きで市の表面(市議会、警察機関、市庁舎職員、市民の一部)に覚醒。
「市長自身から火を着けた感じ」 !
[ It was such a fun time and thanks so much for organizing this great party!! ]
Hi Everyone,
It was such a fun time and thanks so much for organizing this great party!! If there are any pictures of wine in or around the police car, please don't share on Facebook, just to be safe!
Sgt.N Bell was my boss for 3 years and he loved going to these Block Watch parties.Fantastic boss! I'm so glad his patrol unit was on duty that night and that Constable S France and Constable AMercier also came. They are all such great people!!
Most of the time,we're lucky if even one officer can make it to a Block Party!!
You are such a wonderful group of people on A ! So glad I could make it, because I'm usually away on holidays. We are leaving for Quadra island this Friday for 2 weeks!
Have a great summer everyone!
【 The new government 】
Canada 新政府から日系の皆様へメーセージです。
(All of you transmission Japanese-from the new government)
What if you could write a law? Or improve any existing law or policy?
無回答 2018/07/12 16:30:43
「 韓国民族とは 」
それを素直に受け入れた無能、無策のBby市の愚かさ(市議会、RCMP、と関連機関 )をここに見る。
> 北米 【カナダの深い闇】 「 北米カナダの危険な現状 」
「 President Lee's slave declaration in South Korea 」( 韓国李前大統領の奴隷宣言 ) August 31
100 million Japanese slaves governed by only 600,000 South Korean, North Koreans in Japan!
( ★ August 31,South Korean SBS TV program)
THe Lee Myung-bak South Kouth Korean country President ,’'”reliable Japan is made to do revival of North Korea,
We out of whom I make all the ? ? ? come to Japan have alredy ?
Mar 22, 2018;
★Former South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has been arrested over a host of corruption allegations, ranging from bribery to embezzlement and tax evasion.
August 31, South Korean SBS TV program
★South Korea's former President Park Geun-hye has been sentenced to 24 years in jail;