10.Does a BC PNP nomination allow me to legally work in BC?
A nomination through the BC PNP does NOT provide you with the legal status to be able to work in the province. It is the responsibility of the nominee to obtain and maintain legal working status. However, IF you are nominated, the BC PNP may be able to support you in obtaining or extending an existing work permit. For more information visit The Process.
現在のBCPNPのプロセスタイムはカテゴリーにもよりますが約4ヶ月です。もし仮にトピ主さんが今日付けで書類をBCPNPに提出したとしても、ノミネートされるのは4月です。上記にあるように、It is the responsibility of the nominee to obtain and maintain legal working status. BCPNPの申請を理由にワークを延長できるのは、あくまでもノミネートまで有効なビザがある人のみのはず。If required, we may issue you, (the Nominee), a work permit support letter which will assist you in applying to CIC for a new or renewed work permit full-time employment in a specific job with a BC employer.と記載されています。まずは会社にLMOを通してワークビザの延長をすることが先ではないでしょうか。