ということは、スポンサー側の書類の 6.a) Address where the person you are sponsoring lives には日本の住所を書くべきだったということですか?
そして、私の方の書類 Application for permanent residence in canada 15.Your residental address にも日本の住所を書くべきでしたか?
b)If the above address is not the country of nationality of the person you are sponsoring,has that person been lawfully admitted for at least one year in the country where he or she is living?
の No という欄にチェックを入れ忘れていたのです。
>b)If the above address is not the country of nationality of the person you are sponsoring,has that person been lawfully admitted for at least one year in the country where he or she is living?
の No という欄にチェックを入れ忘れていたのです。