PR cardのRenewalをされた方
PR card
カルガリー 2007/05/02 15:49:24
PR cardのRenewalをされた方に質問があります。
なので、Statutory declaration in lieu of guarantor を探さなければならないようです。
例えば、A commissioner,notary public・・・。
Your guarantor must be a Canadian citizen living in Canada who is actively employed as:
* accountant who is a member in good standing of an institute or association of accountants incorporated by or under an Act of the legislature of a province;
* chiropractor
* dentist
* professional engineer
* judge or magistrate
* in the province of Quebec, lawyer or notary and, in any province, barrister or solicitor
* mayor
* medical doctor
* minister of religion authorized under the laws of a province to perform marriages
* notary public
* optometrist
* pharmacist
* police officer serving in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or a provincial or municipal police force
* postmaster
* principal of a primary or secondary school
* senior administrator in a community college, including CEGEP
* senior administrator or a teacher in a university
* veterinarian