May I leave Canada before my request for an extension has been finalized?
Yes. However, if you leave temporarily and you do not have your new document before you seek to re-enter Canada, you will have to re-apply (either at the port of entry if you have the right to do so, or at a visa office outside Canada) and pay another processing fee.
if you leave temporarily and you do not have your new document before you seek to re-enter Canada, you will have to re-apply (either at the port of entry if you have the right to do so, or at a visa office outside Canada) and pay another processing fee.
Res.30 by MiMi>こんにちは。本当にコモンロー申請って分からないことだらけです。私たちはすでに9ヶ月一緒に同棲していたのですが、訳があり、私は日本に帰国、彼も今までのアパートを引っ越してしまいました。また私がカナダへ戻りアパートを探してコモンロー申請まであと3ヶ月、同棲しようと思っていますが、同棲の期間をあけてしまっても大丈夫なのでしょうか?そしてどれくらいあけていても大丈夫なのでしょうか?