前の方がおっしゃる通りどのような方法で申請するのかにもよると思いますが、基本的にはT4のオリジナルハードコピーを提出する必要はないと思います。コピーもしくはNotice of Assessmentのコピーで十分だと思います。
For each of the employers you worked for during the period of 12 months preceding the date of your application and from which you have received or will receive a T-4 slip, give details about your employment in section B, including your personal employment income. Personal employment income is defined as the gross income earned from your job(s) as reported to CRA from a T4.
If you cannot produce a Notice of Assessment or a document from My CRA account for the most recent taxation year preceding the date of your application to sponsor, or
you can produce a Notice of Assessment but the amount at line 150 is less than the minimum necessary income (see definition above) and your financial circumstances have improved since you received the notice of assessment.
という理解であってますか…? そのうえでハードコピーは必要ないが、コピーはあるに越したことないということでしょうか。下記はFSTCのDocument Checklist: Proof of work experienceからの抜粋ですが"proof may include"ってことは、reference letter等ほかで証明ができるのであればT4とnotices of assessmentはあってもなくても良いということ…?
If the work experience is in Canada, proof may include copies of T4 tax information slips and notices of assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (the time period for these documents should reflect the work experience timeframe [e.g., work experience from 2006 to 2008 requires only documents from those calendar years]).
1. For previous tax years, you can request a copy from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or by calling 1-800-959-8281.
2.Get Your T4 and Other Tax Forms Online From CRA’s “Auto-fill my return”