A photocopy of one of the following:
•your valid passport or travel document or
•the passport or travel document you had when you became a permanent resident (including the passport page that was stamped when you arrived in Canada and became a permanent resident) or
•the certificate of identity or travel document issued by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada or a foreign country.
霰 Note: The copy should show:
•the document type and number;
•issue and expiry date;
•your name;
•your photo; and
•your date of birth
去年の夏にPR更新した時にパスポートが新しくなったばかりでスタンプのないページのコピーは"no stamps on page x to z" みたいに書いて提出しませんでしたが問題なかったです。
onlineで住所変更していたにも関わらずPR cardは旧住所に送られていたけど住人がreturned mailしてくれていたので難を逃れました。