Include a photocopy of your proof of travel and proof of payment with your application.
The proof of travel, such as tickets or an itinerary, must show:
-the dates you will be traveling,
-your personal information such as your full name,
-that you have a return ticket leaving from Canada , and
your destination (where you are going).
ここでのreturn ticket leaving from Canadaの意味がよくわかりません。文字通り、カナダから出るためのチケットという解釈でいいのでしょうか。だとしたら、カナダから出る証明さえできれば、帰りは、いつか戻ってくるときにPRカードがどちらにしろ必要なのだから、帰りの証明は特に要らない、ということでしょうか。
Note: You are strongly encouraged to submit two (2) secondary identity documents in the event that additional documents are required and to prevent delays in the processing of your application.