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Japanese Tutor Wanted
by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/07 20:55:31

Hi, I¡Çm looking for a Japanese tutor to help me improve my speaking and reading skills. My main focus is improving my vocabulary. Japanese teaching experience isn¡Çt required. I can pay $15/hour and would like to have 2 lessons a week in the evening. Location would be a downtown coffee shop.

Res.1 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/07 22:01:45

You are looking for a female tutor, aren¡Çt you? ¡¡
Res.2 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/07 22:29:24

Why do you want to harass people who want to learn Japanese? If a Canadian girl posts an ad, are you going to ask if she wants a male teacher? This is just plain rudeness. If you are going to be insulting to Canadians, please do us a favor and go back to Japan. ¡¡
Res.3 by CS from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 09:17:00

I understand what you really mean, Jason. However unfortunately there are so many guys who make excuses and tell Japanese people that they are really interested in learning Japanese just to pick up some Japanese girls. Nowadays it¡Çs really hard to recognize who are really serious learning Japanese and who are not. And most Japanese people are very naive and believe in what those people say. In fact, I was one of the Japanese who believed what those people say and it turned out that they just wanted to pick me up. Please don¡Çt get offended by what Res 1 says, and also understand that there are some people who manipulate innocent Japanese in Vancouver even though you may not be one of them... ¡¡
Res.4 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 10:52:26

I have a tall, beautiful, blonde, caucasian Canadian girlfriend. I¡Çm sorry to tell you, but Canadian girls are a lot more attractive than Japanese girls. Most Asian girls (including Japanese) are short. They don¡Çt have glamorous figures. They usually have boring personalities. And they usually can¡Çt speak proper English. My other Canadian friends prefer Canadian girls too.

Maybe no Canadian guy tried to pick you up, and it¡Çs just your fantasy? Maybe you came to Canada because you heard Canadian guys are easy? Maybe Japanese guys don¡Çt like you, so you came to Canada to try and find a boyfriend?

You picked the wrong country. You should go to Turkey or Iran. They will chase anything.

Anyway, if you are going to make insulting remarks like Canadians are liars who are trying to manipulate "innocent" Japanese in Vancouver, why are you in Canada? Pack your bags and get on a plane today. ¡¡
Res.5 by ̵²óÅú from ÆüËÜ¡¡2005/05/08 12:15:57

Res.2 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/07 22:29:24
"This is just plain rudeness. If you are going to be insulting to Canadians, please do us a favor and go back to Japan."

Res.4 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 10:52:26

"I¡Çm sorry to tell you, but Canadian girls are a lot more attractive than Japanese girls. Most Asian girls (including Japanese) are short. They don¡Çt have glamorous figures. They usually have boring personalities. And they usually can¡Çt speak proper English. My other Canadian friends prefer Canadian girls too."

"Maybe no Canadian guy tried to pick you up, and it¡Çs just your fantasy? Maybe you came to Canada because you heard Canadian guys are easy?"

"Anyway, if you are going to make insulting remarks like Canadians are liars who are trying to manipulate "innocent" Japanese in Vancouver, why are you in Canada?"

Dear Jason:

You are so stupid. You must be Canadian. First, you stated in your comment on May 7th that if people insult you, please go back to Japan; however, on May 8th, you talked about how unattractive Asian women are. Who is insluting whom now?

Secondly, you stated on May 8th, "maybe you heard Canadian guys are easy?". No Canadian guys love to fuck anything from 6 year old girls to some innocent Japanese girls.

Thirdly, "insulting remarks like Canadians are liars who are trying to manipulate "innocent" Japanese in Vancouver, why are you in Canada?" You guys are bunch of liars. You all Canadians give this idea to the world that there is no racisum in Canada, because everybody loves / respect everybody. On the other hand, your country is one of the racist countires in the world.

Lastly, you have stated over and over to go back to Japan. Then maybe you should go back to where your families came from. I bet you do not know about your CANADIAN history. YOU WHITE PEOPLE CAME TO THE CANADIAN LAND AND KILLED MANY NATIVES AND TOOK OVER THEIR LAND!

Anyway, eventhough, you seem like you want to learn Japanese; however, you try to cover your ass by insluting Japanese people. Why do not you look for a male tutor if you do not care the sex of the tutor, or you are interested in learning Japanese.

Maybe you are CAUGHT by looking for someone to cheat with????
Res.6 by ̵²óÅú from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 13:07:22

why do you want to learn Japanese if you think the Japanese have such boring personalities. And you mean Caucasian girls are more attractive than Japanese girls, right? you said that Canadian girls are more attractive than Japanese girls....newsflash buddy, Canadians are more than just caucasians. Japanese girls are not all short and whats that got to do with thier character or personality? On top of that, you insult Turkish people and Iranian people by saying they will chase really hope you find someone who would put up with your sorry ass.

From a CANADIAN reader.....

PS. Im sorry to everyone....Canadians are all not this ignorant. ¡¡
Res.7 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 13:24:10

I¡Çm not insulting Japanese people, I¡Çm insulting you. I like Japanese culture and I have many friends in Japan. You¡Çre the problem.

Now, it seems like you come to JPCanada just to insult Canada and Canadians. Maybe you have a mental illness. If so, that¡Çs too bad.

I just posted an ad to find a Japanese tutor, and you attacked me. You¡Çre trying to make it impossible for people to meet and study Japanese. You¡Çre harassing and insulting Canadian people who post on JPCanada for no reason. Do I have to write "Male teachers only" ? Will that make you happy?

And if you don¡Çt like Canada/Canadians, I have a solution for you. LEAVE.

In fact, post your phone number and address. My friend works at Canadian Immigration. We can make special arrangements for you to leave. Time to go home.

Hello? Why are you still reading?
What¡Çs wrong?
You can¡Çt find the airport?
You can¡Çt afford an airline ticket?
You overstayed your visa?

Nobody is forcing you to stay here.

Just go home.

Imagine if I went to Japan and then started insulting Japan and Japanese people. You would say "Why are you in Japan if you hate it. LEAVE." So I¡Çm telling you the same thing.

Now, do you want to talk history?

Ok, let¡Çs talk about how Japanese went to China and other Asian countries and killed 15 million Chinese and turned Korean and Chinese women into sex slaves for your soldiers. That wasn¡Çt very long ago.

And you want to talk about Indians? I think not. Canada has spent millions of dollars compensating the Indians in many ways for what happened. There are still government settlements going on, right now. You didn¡Çt know that, did you?

What compensation has Japan ever given to the Chinese sex slaves? What compensation was given for the Nanking Massacre, where 300,000 chinese were raped and/or killed? None. Everytime former sex slaves go to court in Japan, they lose. Japan refuses to give them a single yen. Right?

Why do you think Chinese and Koreans and every other Asian country is having anti-Japanese demonstrations?

I don¡Çt see people having anti-Canada demonstrations. Hmmmm. Maybe because we didn¡Çt go around invading our neighbors, raping, killing, and insulting people.

Get the picture? ¡¡
Res.8 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 13:38:44

In case you haven¡Çt noticed, every time a Canadian guy tries to post something on JPCanada, some paranoid Japanese girl attacks them saying he¡Çs just trying to pick up Japanese girls.

It¡Çs insulting and intolerable.

The point I¡Çm making is, some Canadians don¡Çt find Japanese women attractive. I¡Çm trying to remind her that not all Canadian guys are chasing Japanese women. I just wanted to study Japanese, and I still plan on finding a nice Japanese language tutor, in spite of this bitch trying to make it impossible.

People should be able to post an ad for a tutor without being accused of trying to chase Japanese women. Right now it¡Çs impossible to post an innocent ad without being attacked.

One purpose of JPCanada is for friendly Canadians and Japanese to meet each other, and this woman is wreaking that. What if you posted an ad and she attacked you? You¡Çre going to sit and do nothing? It¡Çs a horrible thing for her to do, and that¡Çs why I¡Çm fighting her. ¡¡
Res.9 by ̵²óÅú from ¥È¥í¥ó¥È¡¡2005/05/08 13:45:25

I¡Çm a Canadian guy and I agree with Jason. I¡Çm an ESL teacher and the same thing has happened to me. I¡Çve tried to post an ad looking for students and and some Japanese girls wrote that I was trying to use JPCanada to pick up women. Why can¡Çt someone post an ad without being harassed?

If a Japanese woman posts an ad, do a bunch of Canadian guys flame her and say she¡Çs just trying to pick up Canadian guys? This is insanity. ¡¡
Res.10 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/08 14:06:59

Since when the purpose of JPCanada is for friendly Canadians and Japanese to meet??? You must be smoking too much Canadian Pot, so your brain is not working. STOP SMOKING POT! IT KILLS YOUR BRAIN CELLS.

If you have a beautiful GF, what the hell are you doing on this site on Sunday afternoon????

If fact, why do not you go learn the REAL history between Korean, China and Japan by yourself? You are those stupid Canadian who believes everything what the media says.

FYI: If you do not like what you read, why do you keep on coming to this site? You say that you respect our culture, yet you put dart on our faces by talking shit. GROW UP YOU KKK BASTARD. YES YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF KKK, AREN¡ÇT YOU???

I bet you are pissed off, because you were planning to cheat on your GF by looking for a Japanese "student", aren¡Çt you?
Res.11 by Ryu from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 14:09:27

I¡Çm Japanese male. I know lots of Japanese girls say "Canadians guys are easy" ... but these girls usually don¡Çt have any boyfriend and they are usually ugly. Even in Canada, no guys will like them.

These Japanese girls want to feel popular even though nobody likes them. They say Canadian guys chase them, even though nobody is chasing them.

Most of the Japanese girls who are in Canada can¡Çt find a boyfriend in Japan, so they try Canada. Ask any Japanese guy. We all know know that 90% of the Japanese girls who visit to Canada, Australia, or USA are the unpopular, unattractive Japanese girls who can¡Çt get a boyfriend in Japan.

So if a lonely Canadian guy chases them in Vancouver, they should be thankful. HAHA! Maybe it¡Çs their only chance!

AND if they don¡Çt like Canada, they should go back to Japan. ¡¡
Res.12 by Ryu from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 14:14:25

I¡Çm Japanese male. I know lots of Japanese girls in Vancouver say "Canadians guys are easy" ... but these girls usually don¡Çt have any boyfriend and they are usually ugly. Even in Canada, no guys will like them.

These Japanese girls want to feel popular even though nobody likes them. They say Canadian guys chase them, even though nobody is chasing them.

Most of the Japanese girls who are in Canada can¡Çt find a boyfriend in Japan, so they try Canada. Ask any Japanese guy. We all know know that 90% of the Japanese girls who visit to Canada, Australia, or USA are the unpopular, unattractive Japanese girls who can¡Çt get a boyfriend in Japan.

So if a lonely Canadian guy chases them in Vancouver, they should be thankful. HAHA! Maybe it¡Çs their only chance!

AND if they don¡Çt like Canada, they should go back to Japan. ¡¡
Res.13 by No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/08 14:21:02

No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê No.807 ºï½ü°ÍÍê ¡¡
Res.14 by Ryu from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 14:21:43

Jason, just ignore this stupid Japanese girl. She is just angry that she can¡Çt find a boyfriend. You know, she has no friends, no money, no education, well, her life is not easy.

So just forget her.

I hope you find a good Japanese tutor! I would teach you but I¡Çm going to Europe next month. ¡¡
Res.15 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/08 17:21:28

¡ÊËèÆü¿·Ê¹¡Ë - 5·î9Æü1»þ41ʬ¹¹¿· ¡¡
Res.16 by £óaru from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 18:12:49

Hi Jason,
I¡Çm a Japanese guy and almost agree with you
regarding Japanese girl¡Çs insight.
I¡Çm also glad to know you¡Çre interested in our language and calture.

However, there is fact that a few lonely Canadian guys are
chasing them even though they are less attractive
and don¡Çt have enough communication skill.
I saw such many couples in Japanese community here.
Most girls are misunderstanding that they are
pretty popular among all Canadian guys.
I¡Çm ashamed of them as one of Japanese.

We have same situation like that in Japan.
Some lonely Japanese guys (We call them OYAJI) are chasing
girls from all over Asia who hardly have communication skill.
They may be more attractive than Japanese.
But I¡Çm not sure because I¡Çm unfamilir with them.
I just wanna say to you Calm Down!!

Jason, let me talk about one more thing.

I think you made a mistake in your historical view
between China, Korea and Japan.
It seems you just knew the Chinese and the Korean goverment¡Çs
and media¡Çs propaganda. Why not? China is Red, no wonder
they have propaganda.

Howeber, have you ever thought over South Korea is a kind
of communism country? They¡Çre just pretending capitalism.
You¡Çve not realized that they are great faker of history.
Stupidly, the nation is being controled.
All Japanese know that claiming apology and compensation million times feeds their vanity. That¡Çs their ethnicity.
We all really feel pitty.
They¡Çre doing the same thing in the teritorial issues, Takeshima, Chishima and Nihon-Kai.
In spite of their bitter experience, they¡Çre still faking
a lot of historical stories regarding teritory.

I hope you will learn historical views from Japanese side
and compare with their opinion.
You won¡Çt be able to help laughing if you get a correct sense
of history. We¡Çve deeply apologized to them for our
history of aggression and compensated so much.
We¡Çre still giving huge economic asistance to them.

If you have a better idea, please email me.

Res.17 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 18:45:32

Thanks for your support regarding finding a Japanese tutor. I appreciate that. However, what Japan did in China and Korea and other Asian countries during WWII is certified historical fact. It¡Çs not just the opinion of Chinese and Koreans. American and European researchers have verified these facts, and there is much photographic and other indisputable historical evidence. Your distorted view of history is the view that¡Çs being pushed by the Japanese Uyoku - The Japanese Right Wing, who are racists and gangsters who don¡Çt care about the truth. They are rewriting history to try and make younger Japanese proud. It¡Çs ok to be proud of Japan, but you cannot forget history or dispute historical facts. I¡Çve spend 3 years studying Japanese history at a respected university, and I know Japanese history better than most Japanese. Unlike Japanese schools, we don¡Çt get our textbooks from the Japanese Right Wing. Many Japanese know and accept what happened during WWII, and they don¡Çt deny what the Chinese and Koreans say. You should listen to them, and not depend on the Japanese Right Wing for your history lessons. ¡¡
Res.18 by Suzu from ÆüËÜ¡¡2005/05/08 18:53:16

I¡Çm a Japanese woman, and I studied Japanese history for many years, including what Japan did in Asia during World War II. It is so sad to me that most Japanese still don¡Çt know what happened. It is the fault of the Japanese Mombusho, who are under pressure from right wing groups in Japan. They continue to approve textbooks which ignore the atrocities committed by Japan. As a result, many Japanese think these stories are lies created by the Chinese and Korean governments. No wonder Chinese and Koreans are so angry. ¡¡
Res.19 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/08 20:35:23

¸À¤ï¤ì¤Æ¤¿¤¯¤Í¤¨¤ï¤Ê ¡¡
Res.20 by ̵²óÅú from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 21:22:07

Res.21 by Jay from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 21:44:21

Aww, Jason, I feel sorry for you that you feel insulted by getting mean comment from one person.
In this cyber world, we are exposed to all kinds of people including prejudice.
Though, she/he just threw one short question and I am afraid your reaction wasn¡Çt very mature.
You are taking the comments way personally
Especially your comment [please do us a favor and go back to Japan.] I think you didn¡Çt have to say that.¡¡And by you using word ¡Çus¡Ç sounds like the comment is representing whole Canada.
You may say you are not the one who started it, but you have to realize you keep coming back to prove you are absolutely right about Japanese History, your comments are becoming harsh and harsher to other Japanese people who has nothing to do with responding to this thread.
Its only one person, one person made one comment and do you have to react that much? Is it worth it?
So you and other people like to arguing over history have to stop and take it somewhere else.
I am afraid to say this but Jpcanada is not really right place to put an ad and you should post your ad in Japanese news paper who publishes in Canada, such as Vancouver Shimpo or Oops, you may have better response.
Good luck finding a good tutor, Jason.
Regards. ¡¡
Res.22 by saru from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 21:52:27

Thank you for your reply.
I know what we did during WW­¶, I admit the atrocity commited and our school education is lacking in teaching
modern history in Asia. Of course, I understand the textbook issue and Yasukuni issue are feeding the fire to neighbor countries. Although I may not exactly understand them, but I¡Çm
interested in them as a Japanese at least.

However, I can¡Çt tolerate their arrogant behavior taking advantage of our weakness in the past decades.
Personally, I always feel indignation toward their insistence.
That was my point.

For instance, when the Chinese embassy in Tokyo was harassed by
the Japanese right wing, the ambassdor said that was terrorism and would claim compensation. I think his comment is totaly right. But when the Japanese embassy, companies and markets in China suffered damage from citizenes before the things happened in Tokyo, the Chinese goverment said they were not gonna compensate and express their regret. Moreover, they¡Çre not still offcially doing them so far. How ridiculous! They always try to shift the present problems to the past problems. This is a drop in the bucket.

I think neighbor countries and Japan need to undertake collaborative study to hold a common view of history each other.

At any rate, I hope you find a nice tutor. I would be a tutor if I¡Çm an educated person. Sorry to say, I¡Çm not so intelligent like you. Don¡Çt miss understand! This is not irony. I thought so right out.


Res.23 by Jason from ¥Ð¥ó¥¯¡¼¥Ð¡¼¡¡2005/05/08 22:39:07

You¡Çre right, I overreacted. Thank you for your advice. You are correct in what you said. ¡¡
Res.24 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/09 00:19:57


Res.25 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/09 00:39:41

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Res.26 by ̵²óÅú from ̵²óÅú¡¡2005/05/09 14:00:43

Hey NAZI boy. I know you do not have a GF and looking for some Japanese pussies, because you have made so many entries on this site. Either you have no life, or you are just a loser like NAZI. You made some comments over and over about China and Korea, so is this mean you are one of them? I know you think you are EVERYTHING so let me ask you these questions.

1) Do you know how many people are killed in China every year?
2) Do you know how many Chinese are killed in 1990?
3) Do you know how many Native people are killed by you Canadians?
4) Do you know how Japanese- Canadian were treated during the WW2 by you Canadians?


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