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Do you Play Piano?
by Israel fernando from Vancouver, BC. 2016/02/09 16:09:59

I am looking for you. Do you like ballads and romantic music? Well, is one of the genres with most profit in the world.
Plus, is a genre that I love.
I am looking for someone for paid rehearsals with aims to gig on a regular basis. What I want to sing is boleros, which is a spread and well recognized latin genre. I feel that this city, number one, is lacking that kind of music and, number two, I think it would be well received by the public which is who pays the whole thing.
So, the plan is this:
1) rehearse 3 songs
2) record that songs in a demo (video)
3) do sales. I will do that.

That's it.
This is not easy when there's no passion. So, hopefully you are someone that likes latin american culture.
Don't get me wrong, I love all music, but I have high esteem on this genre because is so me.
So, if you are interested, do not hesitate in dropping me a line. Male or female, any age, any nationality, bachelor or no bachelor in music or piano, I don't care, as long as you feel the passion of music.
I repeat, you are going to be paid, yes. But I expect from you to remove from me the problem that I don't play any instrument and that I can't read music. You must read music sheets.

For you to have an idea, this are some artist that I would like to interpret: Luis Miguel, Armando Manzanero, José José, César Portillo de la Luz, etc.
Also, some Japanese music every now and then. Why? because it's amazingly beautiful and extremely alike to latin american music.
I'm learning Japanese myself
So drop me a line, my name is Israel, mexican, I'm 31 years old and let's chat!
I reply my emails within 2 hours.
Thank you.

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