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by Casting from バンクーバー 2015/04/30 18:46:01


Hello Everyone,

I’m casting for a new television series and I’m looking for Japanese people to work on the show as paid Background Performers!

If you’re interested in working on this series, please take a moment to sign in to your BCF Casting profile at and make sure your information, photos and availability calendar are up to date!

I’m hoping that you can help me with my search for more Japanese people by forwarding the casting notice below to your friends and family who you think might be interested in working. We need a lot of Japanese people!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

James Forsyth
Extras Casting Director
"The Man in the High Castle"


JAPANESE MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES are needed to work as paid Background Performers on an exciting new television series!

This Spring and Summer, Vancouver will host Amazon Studios and Scott Free TV in their first joint venture to Produce the new television series “The Man In The High Castle”. Executive Producers, Ridley Scott (Director of “Alien" and "Blade Runner") and Frank Spotnitz (Writer of "The X-Files") have teamed up to bring this haunting tale to the screen. Based on the Hugo Award winning anti-fascist novel by Philip K. Dick, whose books and short stories have been made into such famous movies as "Blade Runner", "Minority Report" and "Total Recall". MITHC examines a thought provoking historical revision that poses a tough question: What if the Totalitarian Axis Powers won the Second World War? Our goal and our challenge as filmmakers is to explore this alternate universe, and make it as believable as possible, while maintaining the utmost respect for members of all communities for whom the actual tragedies of WWII are deeply personal to this day. A brief synopsis of our story is below.

If you’re interested in being considered, please visit BCF Casting at and create a performer profile for yourself as soon as possible.

BCF Casting is a performer database used to cast film and television productions by three of Vancouver’s top Extras Casting Directors. Your information is confidential and you will never be charged any fees - you keep 100% of the money you earn.

Note that all performer profiles must include the following:

- At least one current photo of yourself

- Your contact numbers

- Your height, weight and other sizing info

- Your city of residence

- A valid email address

- Your Ethnicity and Heritage

You can also update your availability calendar for two weeks at a time so we can see when you're able for work.

For more information please visit the BCF Casting Extras Guide:

We hope to see you soon!

Thank you,

James Forsyth
Extras Casting Director
"The Man in the High Castle"


Story Synopsis:

The year is 1962, seventeen years after World War II ended. But the Allies lost. The Nazis developed a hydrogen bomb before the Americans and used it to flatten Washington. Since then, the Eastern half of the continent has lived under Nazi rule, while the West Coast is controlled by Imperial Japan and in-between, the Rocky Mountains are a lawless “neutral zone” separating the two great fascist powers.

We meet Joe Blake in Nazi-controlled New York where he has been enlisted by the beleaguered Resistance movement to carry a valuable shipment across country to Cañon City, Colorado, smack in the center of the Neutral Zone.

In Japanese-occupied San Francisco, Juliana Crain becomes an unwitting member of the Resistance after her sister, Trudy, hands her a satchel just before being shot dead by Japanese secret police.

In the satchel, Juliana finds a film that defies explanation – rather than the Nazis and Japanese winning the war, it is a newsreel, which shows Berlin in ruins and the Allies victorious. It’s far too elaborate to be a fake, yet how could it possibly be real? And to find out, Juliana takes her dead sister’s place as a courier for the Resistance. Her destination is also Canon City, where the owner of the films is said to reside. No one knows his real name, but he’s called The Man in the High Castle.

Thank you!

Res.1 by up from 無回答 2015/05/03 18:14:19

Res.2 by up from 無回答 2015/05/05 20:49:18

Res.3 by up from 無回答 2015/05/07 00:36:09

場所:New Westminster
(今週の7日と8日にBurnabyでwardrobe fitting/Hair cutも含む)があります。時間はフレキシブルに対応可能。
Res.4 by up from 無回答 2015/05/07 20:09:13


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