jpcanada.comについて / 広告募集中 / トップ

by Yumiko from バンクーバー 2006/02/07 13:35:18

仕事の内容は生徒さんへのオリエンテーション、カウンセリング、アクティビティの他、日本の新規ビジネスパートナーの開拓など、routine workと言うよりはあなたのアイディアを発揮していただく機会になります。
興味のある方は Yumiko 604-773-5706 までご連絡ください。

Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/02/07 15:56:42

あのー、仕事内容からして普通だったらちゃんとお給料が支払われるべき仕事だと思うのですが、何でボランティアなんですか? 1日2時間半の仕事でも時給でお給料を支払うことは可能だと思いますが。。。それとも非営利団体ですか?それならボランティアは許されると思いますけど、そうでないなら会社のオーナーにでも考え直してもらったほうがよさそうですよ。  
Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/02/08 11:55:48

Are you planning on sabotaging other people now? If people want to volunteer, you should let people do it. As long as the volunteers are not being harmed, and volunteers feel they get something out of it, why are you going around sabotaging people?

Lots of valuable work 営利 or 非営利 in Canada is carried out by volunteers. Volunteers are very important to the society. If people constantly asking what they can get out of everything they do, there will be no public or private social programs left. You think orgranization like the food bank is non profit organization? You think that the Canadian government is non profit organization? All of them have to be run as profit organization in order to survive. That is why you pay and pay and pay through your nose for any little thing your government suppose to do for you, and Food Banks have to pay employees to collect and distribute food, Red Cross has to pay to buy supplies and shipping to send to tsunami victoms. Be realistic, even 非営利団体 has to be run like a business, and planty people profit from that.

Your insisting on not wanting to help the 非営利団体 does nothing to help the society, only tells people what selfish small vicious mind you have.  
Res.3 by 無回答 from 日本 2006/02/08 13:43:24

↑言ってることは分かりますが、学生ビザでは法律上、ボランティアは出来ないのをご存知?? 自己中だとか、そういう問題ではないと思います。きちんと調べてからものを言いましょう。  
Res.4 by Respect My Authority from 無回答 2006/02/09 11:28:42

If you want to learn English for free, then volunteer. Why are all the Japanese students paying for conversation clubs and conversation tutors??? Waste of money!!! You don’t have to pay someone to talk to you! Volunteer work is much better, you also get a reference letter, so if you have a working holiday visa it is useful for getting a job at a Canadian owned and operated business.

I realize that volunteers can take jobs away from working holiday students and some companies try to save money by using volunteers... if they don’t have the budget to hire a Japanese staff thaen they have no choice....

If you feel like complaining, I would focus on the business owners who pay $6.00/hour wage!!! The $6.00 wage was meant for teenagers with no work experience. All the guys and girls who work like slaves at the restaurants and cafes should get $8/hour!!!  
Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/02/10 21:18:27

Here, here. Res 4 is right. Planty companies taking advantage by paying as low as $3 or $4 per hour to students working without proper paper and work these kids to death.  
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/02/11 20:40:29

Res.7 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/02/12 14:14:49

Some friend of mine recently got a job offer through volunteering. The company he has volunteered for has hired him after one month. Not only they have hired him, they have sponsered him and got him work permit, pay him a good salary. He will be applying for immigration.  
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