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Customer Service
by Eric from Vancouver 2013/07/16 23:42:30

I am looking for a person with excellent customer service skills and English/Japanese skills.
The person will be working to help our guest check in at our apartment rental. This is similar to a hotel rental where guest stay 4-6 nights and check out.

This is a part time role and schedule provided in advance.

Duties include -

1. Coordinating with guest by email and PHONE (Phone skills are very important)
2. Checking them in to apartment - give them tour of apartment, show them where all facilities are, how to use washer, how to check out. Give them information about local area,( restaurant, shopping, etc..)
3. Coordinating with Cleaners. Making sure the cleaning company cleans the apartment after check out and before next check in.
4. Inspecting the property. Making sure everything works well.
5. coordinating with Guest before arrival. making sure you know their flight times, train times, etc.. so you can meet them at apartment to check in.
6. Answer calls about issues (i.e. hot water does not work, how to turn on TV, etc..)

The fee for this position is $12/hour. On average, there is check in every 3-6 days. Approx 5-8 hours per week. Most of the work can be done from home, except check in and property inspection.

You must have -

1. Good English and Japanese skills.
2. Be available to answer calls and emails
3. Have excellent telephone manners and people skills.
4. Be Reliable.

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