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Get her!!
by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/07/22 05:51:28

She is believed to be working at the Levista Salon on 4645 Arbutus. Someone please gets her!!

If you know where she is.
Why don’t you call the police to get her now?

Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/07/22 06:50:49

Why don’t you call 911 by yourself if you know where she is.  
Res.2 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/07/22 07:52:38


Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/07/22 09:31:56

I’m sick and tired of beeing harrassed by a guy from nowhere.
This kind of post is nothing but insult to all Japanese.
I do not call all Chinese are criminal by judging only one
Nobody can be allowed to judge a person guilty until proven.

I would recommend that the webmaster should
open a new board named "Allegation & Accusation" and move this
post to that board since this not suitable.

Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/07/22 13:38:50

Res.5 by ..... from バンクーバー 2008/07/22 15:52:03

I felt sorry about you when I heard your story about her and her boyfriend at the first. I try to understand how hard you were and how much you were ungry about her.

Now we, all the user who have saw your story, understand what did she do and how trouble it was. What do you want more? What do you want us to do more? Don’t you think it is too much and figure out these staiking activities makes you down?

Unfortunately, none one willing to listen what you said anymore because of your strange stalking behaviour!!!!!

You have already reported all information about her and damage you had to the police, right? Whatever you trust them or not, it is thier duty and accountability to find her.

Please do not make yourself cheap and stalker.

You might have your own life too.  
Res.6 by None from バンクーバー 2008/07/23 11:33:08

Alright, I get the point, but seriously what do you want us to do? You’re the one who knows the place, you’re the one who’s most familiar with the case, you’re the one who’s trying to get her arrested or reported. So...what’s stopping you from doing that?  
Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/07/23 14:49:51



Res.8 by michael from 無回答 2008/07/24 07:05:48

Hi, thanks for your reply. And I totally understand you guys are sick to see this. But you will never understand the situation. I am not rich guy but I supported her everything in Vancouver for 9 months, it was so very hard but she didn’t know. she didn’t pay one dollar. and then I got to my country in May, and I trusted her to let her stay at my place alone, and also wire her money 2 times, everytime it’s like 2500 CAD. And you know what, she brought a guy up there, f*cked in my bed, meeting guy at my place while she promised me not to. kept asking for my money. thank God last time one of our mutual friends in Vancouver told me about these things, so I refused to wire her money this time, right after she and that guy stole all the furniture and my stuff to her new place. My landlord was supposed to get the key from her, no key and no furniture, all empty, what is this?? My landlord was crying while talking on the phone with me cos she trusted me that’s why she rented a very nice place to me. the reason I couldn’t get her myself is cos I am still in my country although I already reported to the police  
Res.9 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/07/24 09:27:35

I have no sympathy at all.
Besides nobody can’t judge a person black or white with hearing
one side of the story.
This is just the story of a man and a woman.
Are you trying to control a women you slept with paying few
thousand bucks?
Come on, give me a break. You need to spend more, say millions.
VPD’s hands are full with chasing Chinese gangs and do not
involved in a private dispute since this is not a captal offense.
Good luck to you.

Res.10 by N from バンクーバー 2008/07/24 11:22:39

Sorry to hear this, I can’t believe what she did but also can’t believe that you gave her sooo much money! Because you trust her?
How long you know her? Anyway money never come back. Even though you ask help here nothing’s gonna happen. You called police already and what can we do?
And Don’t judge all japanese are like her.
Res.11 by sash from 無回答 2008/07/31 02:42:32

sup? anything new?  
Res.12 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/07/31 18:23:09

Res.13 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/08/01 01:25:19

f*cking stupid guy! Be smart!  
Res.14 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2008/08/02 19:22:59

who is the stupid bitch? I would like to know her full name please :)  
Res.15 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/08/02 23:37:58

well, that’s your fault too right, what do you think she was expecting?  
Res.16 by 無回答 from 無回答 2008/08/03 17:22:22

Go to police and tell them how u r stupid!  
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