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Need slight help ? お手伝い致します!
by CWH from バンクーバー 2007/06/24 16:47:48

Need helper or assistant ?
Especially gardening I want to learn, but I’m also happy to help you for other field works.


I’m never experienced garden or restaurant tasks or other jobs ever in Canada. I’m ESL student just been Vancouver for two months. I’m also have not working visa available, my purpose is study for around one year in Vancouver. But I’m in interested in to learn much through my canadian life.
I can offer you for my current ability as follows and I hope it’s possible to require slight money value as equality as (luxurious) cheese hamburger compo at Mcdonald’s per hour :-)

*language skills
Japanese (almost native level)
Mandarin (normal conversation level)
English (developing level)
If you need help to transration or learn language,
I’ll try do my best.

*PC skills
I’m used to use Windows.
I’m not professional, but I have normal skills for Excel
and Word and SAP and slight faster key typing.

*My healthy physical and my slight strong mind
I like biking to make exercise.
(almost 10~20Km per day is my task)

*My experienced in Japan (from 16-26 years old)
Administrator for Export car parts (2 years)
Telphone communicator (totaly 3 years)
Casher (around 2 years)
Food shops (around 2 years)
Restaurant: Waitress in Spanish cuisine/3 months,
Chinese cuisine/6 months)
Take out store: Sushi making/1 year)

*My personality
Positive points: sensible, sympathy, honesty, responsibility
Nagative points: I need to learn be more self-discipline

*My time
Only after school is available time with me.
M-F: After 4PM to 9PM
Weekend: Anytime is Ok unless I have scheduled

*** Please attention here,
I’m very sorry there, due to save living costs here, I have no cellular phone contract and buspass, I just have a cherish bike with 10 speeds. W49th to DT is my day task.

If you are interested in my offering, I’m look forward to hearing your order contact and further questions.

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