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  「  昨日の隣人、 今日の隣人 」  「 市民と国の治安 」 ♪
by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2015/01/26 11:58:02

    「  昨日の隣人、  今日の隣人 」 
        窓の中     窓の外


 「こんな人物が我国のリーダーだった」;(悪夢の3年3ヶ月) 売国奴、
    「 昨日の隣人、日本 」

★ Koizumi J   売国奴

★ Kan N! 国賊, 菅は極左テロ; 

★ Hatoyama Y 売国奴
発言 「日本列島は日本人だけの所有物じゃない」

★ Ozawa I 「わたしは人民解放軍の野戦軍司令官」売国奴 2009-12-


      「 今日の隣人、カナダ 」

( カナダ市民 は一匹のネズミさえも見逃ぬ勢い )

     「 市民と国の治安 」 カナダ便り

Subject: Re: Un-official Blockwatch update, re Robbery at Bay Market

You are welcome, Heather. I will do everything I can for our little peaceful village.

If anyone has any other tips or pieces of information that may help this investigation and for our safety, please let me know.

Thanks, everyone. What a great Block Watch Community this is!  Anne

10/18 FYI, I have just learned that the suspect in the Bay Market robbery was released last night, and is back home on X.Ave, in the 600 block.

He has been ordered no contact with the resident who turned him in, and therefore we don’t have much more information.

I do understand that he came home last night, has no money or food, and is currently out wandering the bay. He’s walking freely through the neighbourhood. He’s very clean cut, tall, brown hair. Rather nondescript. Unfortunately we don’t know the terms of his release, but it’s my understanding that unless convicted, he would be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Unfortunately we have no further information.  Linda

File #: #11-12044

North Vancouver Police have a suspect in custody in connection with a robbery in Horseshoe Bay Monday morning.

N. Vancouver Police were called shortly after 09:00am Monday to a report of a lone suspect robbing a convenience store in the 600 block of B.Street.
A store employee was threatened with a knife before the suspect ran from the store with an undisclosed amount of cash and some merchandise. Fortunately there were no injuries.
An active investigation was assisted by tips received from North Vancouver Police Block Watch members in response to a public appeal for information. A suspect was identified.
Shortly after 3:00pm Wednesday, officers arrested the suspect without incident at a residence in the 600 block of A.Street in North Vancouver.

10/19 This morning I received the following letter from a resident on Argyle:
About an hour ago I had a tall man in a grey hoodie wander through my yard, checking out a car in my driveway, i am at the corner of royal and Argyle. He noticed me in my kitchen window, slowly left my yard went across the Street and proceeded down Royal.
It is impossible to know if it is the same person, but we all need to be vigilant. I also ask that if anybody finds someone matching this description trespassing on their property, that they inform N Van Police.

I am growing deeply concerned. It is my understanding that the suspect has a known history of instability and drug abuse. Again, I stress, that the suspect is innocent until proven guilty, but we do need to be cautious in protecting ourselves from crime from either he or other potentially unstable individuals.

10/19 Molly and anyone else who has seen him...

Have you called the police? Another resident of our street, Lorilee, wants to deliver food to the suspect and relay neighbourhood concerns. She has contacted the police, and they are going to accompany her to the home. Perhaps through this act of kindness, we will gain better insight as to his condition and mindset.

The guy makes me extremely nervous, so I ask each and every one of you to never mention either Kathy or I as Blockwatch captains to him, should you have an encounter. The police should always be called, and the more calls we make, the more likely it is that his needs will be met in a facility that will be better able to help him.

I went to the police station today and had a long talk with the officer who has overseen this case. He reminded me that a perp is innocent until proven guilty. I sense that there wasn’t enough evidence to hold him, but that they are still investigating. A neighbour on the street has a surveillance camera, and I made the officer aware of it. They will attempt to access it, and it could either nail him or clear him. Time will tell, but I do hope that there is an image.

I was given a copy of The Good Neighbour Act, and there may be a way to get him out that way. I’ve also connected Anne Russell and the Realtor, so rest assured that the situation is being handled.

I suggest that we have a Blockwatch meeting to discuss the situation. The reality is, that it could get worse. If the guy stays, then he could turn it into a flop-house filled with friends in similar situations.

Thoughts, folks? Linda

10/20 Yes, this case is being actively investigated, and if we could have the phone number of the neighbour with the video camera, please let us have it asap.
Only the homeowner/landlord can do something about this guy, but we will explore other options and community support.

If someone is a lawyer or we can find a lawyer to give us advice about this, we may find a solution or at least something that we can all do as community residents working together.
It’s the responsibility of the police department and of the community to ensure everyone’s’ safety.

The Good Neighbour By-law doesn’t address the situation of a criminal offender in a neighbourhood. It only talks about yards in disrepair, etc.

I definitely agree that we should have a Block Watch meeting sometime soon. If we think there will be a large number of people at this meeting, we could hopefully arrange to hait
at the Gleneagles Rec Centre or maybe a meeting room at Sewell’s, or someone’s house with a big living room.

If I can get a police officer to attend this meeting, I will do that. The officers in my section (Community Services Unit) are all on a training course this week, but I think they are back to a regular schedule next week.
And it’s not a good idea to take him food!
Let us know if any of you would be willing to meet soon. Thanks. Anne

The way it works is that when someone is released from prison, the conditions are imposed by the courts and not the police. The police recommend the agencies, etc. but only the courts can make anything happen. It’s too bad, but that’s the way it works. Victim Services isn’t involved, because he’s not a victim of a crime. If the court recommends that the criminal get help from an agency, they are called upon.

★ Every day, the police recommend help for offenders.
That’s all I know at the moment. Anne

Thank you for explaining that, Anne.  

I spoke to a Policeman on Q st this morning, and he told me that people released from prison are given options to be put in touch with various agencies. It is then their choice to accept help or refuse help. Police have no power to make anyone accept help. Apparently frequently Bad choices are made by individuals, and that is part of their rights.
We are learning more about the system every day... Marcia

I am not sure how many of you are aware, but I am also a Director with the Western Residents Association. If you do a Google on Horse Bay WRA, you can find and 'like' our page. There is an active discussion going on, pertaining to this matter.  Linda

◆ Hi Neighbors "Report" from  M  「メンバーに送る」
He lost the 〜〜〜.today.
He does not know the 〜〜〜!.
Police will have already examined about it.

My basic thought:
I trust it totally and entrust the police station.
M  ( 604 ) 922-7787

◆ これまでエスカレーしていた意見が、ピタリと停止。

追記; これら隣人のおば様族に、カナダにおける、いかなる「テロ行為」に関しても〜!
市長、各警察所にはリポート。 「完」



Res.1 by 無回答 from 無回答 2015/01/26 16:34:27


Res.2 by 無回答 from ビクトリア 2015/01/27 07:17:28

  ◆ 矢張り、期待通り動き始めた様ですね!

Res.3 by 無回答 from ビクトリア 2015/01/27 08:13:33

    「 市民と国家の治安 」 カナダ便り

A    「 今日の隣人 」

( カナダ市民 は一匹のネズミさえも見逃ぬ勢い )


B   「  昨日の隣人 」 ◆ 窓の中 未だ鎖国中 

   日本の国さえ齧っていた(かじる) (悪夢の3年3ヶ月)

★ 売国奴、国賊。
★ 北朝鮮に、国民の血税を一兆円以上を横流、主犯人。
★ 国賊, 菅は極左テロ; 
発言 「日本列島は日本人だけの所有物じゃない」
★ 発言「わたしは人民解放軍の野戦軍司令官」 2009-12-

        ◆◆◆  目を覚ませ日本 ◆◆◆   

   ◆◆◆   日本の運命は議員の数できまる 

           ◆◆◆  選挙

Res.4 by 無回答 from カルガリー 2015/02/02 05:43:53


スパイ(工作員) この人物は危ないか。あの男なら信頼できるか!

★ 小さな事でも、日本政府にリポートしましょう。

Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2015/02/05 03:13:37

          聞け、在日工作員、◆ 断じて許さない!

           如何なるテロ行為 「 北米 」

   ★  安部首相は「日本人にはこれから指一本触れさせないと発言」

   ★ 首相声明「罪を償わせる」 国際社会と連携、内外に示す

Res.6 by 無回答 from 無回答 2015/02/10 05:30:54

 忘れることなかれ。。。。。。 (悪夢の3年3ヶ月) 

Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2015/02/13 05:53:36


Oh! Yeah!
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