Accent Reduction Specialist Wanted
バンクーバー 2010/07/22 13:08:57
カナダに長く住んでいる日本人です。 アクセントはあまり無いと言われますが、ネイティブに近い発音をゲットしたいと思っています。 もちろん、発音のクラスや参考書などトライしました。 日本人の弱点などが良くわかるAccent Reduction Specialistの方メールで連絡をお願いいたします。 レッスンの方法、場所、値段などの情報をメールに記載して下さい。
I’ve lived in Canada for a while. Many people (including ESL tutors) have told me that I don’t have much Japanese accent when I speak in English, but I’m aware that I still speak with an accent. I’m hoping to talk more like a native English speaker. I’ve read accent reduction books and had private lessons by ESL tutors in the past. If you are an experienced Accent Reduction Specialist, please email me. Please include how you conduct your lessons, place and rate in your email. Thank you very much in advance.