Do you need help with your English?
...IELTS or TOEFL Test?
I can help you. My name is Nathaniel Sol and I have been an English Teacher and Tutor for over 8 years. I am a Certified ESL Teacher from Simon Fraser University and I also have a degree in English, Linguistics and Theatre. I charge $25/hour. We can do one-on-one or I give special group rates. I am friendly, energetic, passionate, and, most of all, FUN!!
If you would like, we can do a 45 minute trial lesson. My schedule is very flexible and I can meet you mostly anywhere in the Vancouver area including Burnaby, Coquitlam and New Westminster.
Call me at 604-722-1265 or email me at
Look forward to hearing from you!!
彼は英語の先生とチューターの経験が8年あり、サイモンフレーザー大学で英語を専攻しディグリーを取得、さらに英語教師としての資格をもらっています。場所も時間もフレキシブルに相談できます。まずはお気軽に電話もしくはemailしてみてください。初級の方は“I want to take a trial lesson. または lesson.”でいいとおもいます。その時に連絡先と名前は忘れずに^^ 初級から上級、カンバセーションからIELTSやTOEFLまで丁寧に教えてくれると思います。