日本 2007/03/15 00:34:32
i have a friend in japan and he can’t speak english at all..don’t understand it either but he keeps sending present to me you know..so, im trying to send something back to him and find a way to communicate with him. im wondering if there is any program that could translate from english to japanese. i remember i saw you type something on your page in japanese. is there such program??
彼女は私が自分のホームページに載せた日本語のこと言っているのだと思うのですが、is there such program?というのはどういう事でしょうか?訳すソフトか何か持っているか聞いているのでしょうか?
「use this for translate. put English on left side, then click the button which circle orange color. this program can’t translate to collect Japanese grammer but he would be understand what do you trying to say.」
Use the above website. Type in English on the left side and then click the button colored orange. Remember this program isn’t a perfect translator. But probably, at least he will be able to understand what you’re trying to say. Good luck.