バンクーバー 2007/03/07 00:19:16
毎日「カント」と呼ばれ、子供が少しでも泣いたら「You are bad mother」と言われます。子供はまだ乳児です。眠い、お腹すいた、おむつが濡れて気持ち悪い...etc すべて泣いて意思表示するのに、それをわかってくれません。 子供が泣くのがこわいです。泣かせないようにいつも見張っていますが、私も疲れてきって気づかないうちにウトウト寝てしまい、子供が泣き出すと、夫が怒ります。
*Do you want to talk to in Japanese? or you do not mind to use English?
*Do you live in the area, many Japasese lives?
Currently my computer is not able to use Japanese, so it is hard to tell you something well or advise.
However, why don’t you go for a walking with baby often or stop at drop in somewhere like family place.
(You can serch on website of the area you live, maybe...)
Also you can check free Japanese paper about places, which support you for DV.
Domestic Violence Program, Vancouver Coastal Health
855 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4924
Fax: 604.875.5460
Email: dvclinic@vch.ca Hours of Operation - Outpatient Clinic: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Hours of Operation - Emergency: 365 days a year, 24 hours a day