Res.3 |
無回答 2020/03/16 20:27:56

Canadian Slang
Skookum: This British Columbian term is used by Canadians to mean exceptional or awesome. Someone who calls you “skookum” isn’t comparing you to a skunk. In fact, the opposite is true – it’s a real compliment!
Tippy Canoe: Canadians say “tippy canoe” in reference to just about everything that looks to be in danger of falling over. Careful over there; that chair looks like a real tippy canoe.
Dart: Don’t be confused if someone asks you if you’ve got a dart handy. They’re just asking for a cigarette.
Chesterfield: Nope, you’re not in a field, and this word has nothing to do with chestnuts. “Chesterfield” is typically used by older generations to mean to a couch or sofa. Hey Jimmy, why don’t you relax on the chesterfield and put your feet up?
The Dep: “Dep” is an abbreviation of the French “depanneur”, meaning a repairman. In modern day, this word refers to a local corner store – so the linguistic thinking here is that a 7-11 can fix just about anything that might be wrong with you.
Toque: Another piece of Canadian slang, but you will not hear a little Canada, symptoms of warm it did winter hats.
Pop: In Canada, a POP is a carbonated beverage, such as a Coca-Cola or a Sprite.
Mickey: In Canada, the locals use the word Mickey to describe a 375ml bottle of alcohol.
Extra: It’s used to describe someone or something obnoxious. So you might overhear someone representing one of their friend’s dresses, “it is a little extra.”