プルトニウム241を検出 「豆類蓄積の恐れ」と警告
According to the report in the March 8 edition of Scientific Reports, the team said they detected plutonium-241 in the amount of 34.8 becquerels per kilogram in soil from the town of Namie, 20.2 becquerels per kilogram in the village of Iitate and 4.52 becquerels per kilogram in the town of Naraha.
浪江土壌 34.8bq/Kg
飯舘土壌 20.2bq/Kg
楢葉土壌 4.52bq/kg
...Plutonium, which is excreted from digestive organs easily but tends to stay in lungs for a long time, is heavier than iodine, cesium and other radioactive substances, and thus does not travel far from its source.
...Plutonium-241 is the only type of radioactive plutonium that emits beta rays, which travel dozens of centimeters. Plutonium-238, -239 and -240 emit alpha rays, which travel just a few centimeters.