Japan Railway Pass
無回答 2013/02/25 08:27:52
Japan Railway Passについての疑問なのですが、カナダに住んでいる日本人でもPRがあれば
購入できますよね? 下の→の所にしか、私のような日本からの移民でカナダ国籍を持っていない人は
Q8 Who is eligible for the Japan Rail Pass?
Those possessing a passport issued by the government of a country other than Japan and granted the entry status of "temporary visitor" as stipulated in the Emigration and Immigration Management and Refugee Recognition Law.
Those possessing a passport issued by the Japanese Government, currently residing in a country other than Japan and who are applicable to either of the following:
→Possess permanent residency status in the other country.
Are the spouse of a person living outside Japan whose nationality is not Japanese.
Those possessing a passport issued by the Japanese Government, currently residing in a country other than Japan and who are applicable to either of the following:
→Possess permanent residency status in the other country.
Are the spouse of a person living outside Japan whose nationality is not Japanese.