Res 11さん、
グレードというのは、Elementary SchoolやMiddle Schoolなどのグレード(学年)のことをおっしゃってるんでしょうか。
無回答 2013/02/03 03:26:10
From ELSA 3 to ABE
by Yvonne Chard
English Language Services for Adult (ELSA) providers all over the province often express their concern that there is "nowhere for their graduate students to go".
I sent several questions to educators around the province and many people responded. I am writing a summary of what I was told. I do not guarantee that the statements are all accurate. Information was contributed by individuals working in the programs. The responses were sometimes from administrators, and other times from instructors. Some areas did not respond.
I want to thank those who replied to my questions. I appreciate the time people took to answer and regret that there isn't space to include all the comments I received. I hope that this article will provide people with food for thought and will also help some potential ABE students to find a program to attend.
ABE (Adult Basic Educator) My interpretation of Adult Basic Education is education for people from basic reading and writing to high school graduation level. In talking to a lot of educators around the province. I feel, as someone wrote to me, "the threshold of ABE is getting higher". A lot of programs do not accept students who are functioning lower than a grade 4 or 5 level.
ELSA replaced LINC. This is the provision of English Language Training to newcomers to Canada. There are classes for immigrants to a level 3 graduation level (limited by an hourly allotment). Most of the graduates test out between a school equivalent grade 2-4, although there are a lot of variables in the abilities of the graduate students.