私は電話(メッセージに従って申請)でフォームを申請しました。1ヶ月くらい掛かったと思います。その間に娘の用事でCICに電話する事があったので、ついでに私のフォームはどうなっているのか分かる?って尋ねてみたら、「on the way」だから待ってくれ、と。それが2週間くらい経った頃だったと思います。
the passport or travel document you held at the time you became a permanent resident (including your passport’s page that was stamped when you arrived in Canada and became permanent resident),
●the passport or travel document you held at the time you became a permanent resident (including your passport’s page that was stamped when you arrived in Canada and became permanent resident), or
●the certificate of identity or travel document issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada.
Note. The copy should show the document type and number, issue and expiry date, your name, photo and date of birth.