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Can we help people in Slave Lake, Alberta?
by Calgary S.W. from カルガリー 2011/05/18 20:07:56

I have friends of First Nations People and they are going to help people in Slave Lake. If you can donate, please drop off money in a jar labelled Red Cross Aid to Slave Lake at the Tsuu T'ina Nation Gas bar (Station) at 3700 Anderson Rd. S.W. Calgary. Donations will be picked up by the Canadian Red Cross to aid Slave Lake, Alberta Fire Victims. I will keep update when they will come to pick it up.

Thank you.

Res.1 by Calgary S.W. from カルガリー 2011/05/18 21:42:25

My friends said,they will ask their boss about how long the donations will be collected tomorrow.... but I know they will bring donations (things that have to be wrapped such as diapers, baby formula, blankets, dog food, etc) to the Arena (Sarcee Seven Chiefs Sportsplex). The Tsuu T'ina community also donated to people affected by the Tsunami in Japan and now they are collecting items to aid the people affected by fire at Slave Lake. Items going to Slave Lake must by at the Sportsplex by 8:00pm on Thursday tomorrow. Thank you.
Res.2 by Calgary S.W. from カルガリー 2011/05/19 17:31:17

My friends told me that the will be at 12:00pm tomorrow(Friday).

I'm sure that people at the Gas bar will accept Items that you bring for them,instead of going to the Arena.

Thank you.
Res.3 by Calgary S.W. from カルガリー 2011/05/19 17:57:19

sorry misinformed....the due will be by 12:00pm tomorrow.
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