If children under the age of six ingest high levels of fluorides during the period of tooth formation, they can develop dental fluorosis. This condition causes white areas or brown stains to appear on the teeth, which affects the appearance of the teeth but not their function. However, excessive intakes of fluoride can cause damage to tooth enamel, resulting in tooth pain and some problems with chewing. The risk goes away once teeth are formed, at age 6 or 7. Health Canada has set labelling requirements for dental products (such as toothpaste) that contain fluoride because young children have a tendency to swallow these products.
また、The Canadian Dental Associationは6歳未満児のフッ素の使用を勧めていません。
The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) recommends that no fluoride supplements be given to children under six years. Supplements should only be given if a child’s dentist feels there is a high risk of dental decay.
Fluoride-free toothpaste is recommended for children under six years. This is because most children can’t spit properly until then. They may swallow most of the toothpaste, which increases the risk of fluorosis.
If fluoride toothpaste is used to brush your child’s teeth, make sure you use only a pea-sized amount at each brushing, and that you supervise your child if he is old enough to brush his teeth himself. Brushing should happen twice per day.
The Canadian Dental Associationはフッ素は、お子さんの歯科医が虫歯のリスクが高く、フッ素が必要と判断した場合のみに利用されるべきで、 6歳未満児のフッ素の使用を勧めていません。6歳以下のお子さんは、大抵、歯磨き後に適切なすすぎができず(きちんと吐き出すことができず)、フッ素を飲み込んでしまい、フッ素沈着のリスクがたかいため、フッ素を含まない歯磨き粉が推奨されます。お子さんの歯磨きにフッ素を含む歯磨き粉を使用する場合は、お子さんが自分一人で歯磨きができる年齢かどうかを監督し、歯磨き粉は一回の歯磨きにつき豆粒大以上使用しないようチェックして下さい。歯磨きの頻度は1日に2回として下さい。