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by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/19 09:47:04


Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/19 12:43:43


1 最悪の水筒とは、使い捨てのペットボトル(ポリエチレン・テレフタレート)。


2 プラスチック製のよくある水筒。


3 アルミニウムでできた水筒。


4 最も良い水筒はステンレススチールでできたもの。

メーカー名としてはkleen kanteenとなり、浸出が無く、壊れたり割れたりするのが非常に困難、要するにめちゃくちゃ丈夫であり、汚れにくいとのこと。

Res.2 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/19 12:51:31


●All Aluminum SIGG bottles are made in Frauenfeld, Switzerland.

Frauenfeld is one of the eight districts of the canton of Thurgau, Switzerland. Its capital, and the capital of Thurgau, is the city of Frauenfeld. For more information, please visit our ABOUT US page.

What About Your Stainless Steel Bottles?

Several of our loyal customers have told us that when they see the SIGG brand, they expect to get a Swiss-made product. Our high performance stainless steel bottles are designed by our team of Swiss engineers at SIGG Switzerland and forged in China from industrial strength, sanitary grade 18/8 stainless steel. A full-time Swiss Quality control Inspector lives and works full time at this facility, and the Swiss Product Management Team travels regularly from Switzerland to Asia to ensure that our manufacturing facility practices fair labor and manufactures in an environmentally responsible manner.

The Bottle body はExtruded from a single piece of pure aluminium, no seams といっておる。



●Is It Safe To Drink Out of Aluminum? 

SIGG bottles have a water-based, non-toxic liner that has been thoroughly tested both in Europe and in the USA to ensure 0.0% leaching – so absolutely no migration of either the liner or the Aluminum of the bottle will seep into your beverage. SIGG has been manufacturing and perfecting metal beverage bottles for over 100 years. SIGGs have been around long before the BPA scare. Having been in this business for over 100 years, you can trust SIGG Switzerland to produce products of the highest quality and safety standards in the world.


●Will SIGGs Leach Metal Into My Water?

No. There is no leaching of anything whatsoever, no metal, no liner, no nothing. Some may think Stainless Steel beverage containers may be better, but just because it’s "Stainless Steel" doesn’t mean a high quality grade of stainless steel is used in manufacturing the item. (kind of like Gold, is it 10K or 24K?)

Scientific research shows that some stainless steel containers on the market WILL LEACH METAL into the water that’s been poured into them! Click Here To Download This Report


●What If I Scraped Or Chipped Off My Liner?

Some of our customers have inadvertently scraped or chipped off their liner exposing some of the Aluminum and have asked if the bottle was still safe to drink beverages from.

Research shows It’s nearly impossible for the body to absorb enough aluminum to cause Alzheimer’s. A study in May 2007 Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that you would have to absorb MORE than 1,000 milligrams of aluminum each day to increase your risk of dementia.

That’s the equivalent of drinking 1,000 cups of tea (one of the HIGHEST sources of aluminum in the human diet). Since the average person is exposed to less than 10 milligrams a day, you are pretty much safe.


●But Doesn’t Aluminum Cause Alzheimers? アルツハイマーになる?

No, it’s a myth that has persisted since 1965, when researchers found that exposing rabbits’ brains to aluminum caused nerve cell damage similar to Alzheimer’s. Many over-the-counter medicines contain Aluminum. One antacid tablet can contain 50 milligrams of Aluminum and a buffered aspirin tablet may contain about 10 to 20 milligrams of Aluminum. A SIGG bottle, even though is made of Aluminum, will not leach any Aluminum whatsoever into your drink because of our liner.

【わしの疑問】近くの店で見たら、Made in Spain と Made in Swiss があったが中国製はなかった。作っているのになぜだ???
Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/19 12:51:58

kleen kanteen について調べた

●Why are Klean Kanteens™ made in China?

When we created the very first Klean Kanteen™ our goal was to promote healthy living and respect for the environment by giving people an affordable alternative to plastic bottles.

From the get go, we shared many of the concerns you, our customers, have expressed about manufacturing the bottles in China. Before a single bottle was ever produced, we set in place checks and balances to ensure that our bottles are produced safely, sustainably and that the people making Klean Kanteens™ are treated well and paid fairly.

Klean Kanteen™ is a family-owned business and we care for everyone on our team, from the person who answers your calls in California, to the welder in China who meticulously joins the parts of each bottle. By manufacturing in China, we can provide a handcrafted bottle of exceptional quality at a reasonable price.

For more information, read how our products are responsibly made.

Made in Chinaか。。。。

●Is the Klean Kanteen™ factory safe?

Yes. We visit our manufacturing facilities several times a year and perform audits every six months to make sure all of our products are produced with respect for the environment and that the workers in our factories are safe, protected and paid a living wage.

We require fair labor standards, including the ethical treatment of factory workers, child labor rules, wages and benefits, health and safety.

Klean Kanteen™ is and will continue to be one of the safest and most sustainable beverage containers on the market.

Not only do we uphold strong design and manufacturing standards at our factories, we also regularly test the metal in our bottles at a lab in the United States. Every three to four months the science division of EMSL Analytical, Inc. tests the elemental composition of metal in Klean Kanteens™ for hazardous substances.


Res.4 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/25 11:19:21


Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/25 13:15:54

Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/25 14:51:31

Res.7 by 無回答 from トロント 2009/07/25 14:56:45

「テフロンの鍋と、ステンレスの鍋では、体に害があるのは、どちらでしょうか?」という質問に、「アルミ鍋は有害だと聞き、全部、ステンレスの重層構造鍋に替えました。 」という回答をしている人がいました。


Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/25 23:13:17

Res.9 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/25 23:18:15



Res.10 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/27 05:08:11

まずもと記事のThe good humanですが、1. に関しては悪質な捏造のようです。
Res.11 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/27 20:14:32

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