Cascading increases your chances of securing tickets for the sessions you request. Start by selecting the highest price category that you are comfortable purchasing then check that the cascade box is selected. Selecting the cascade box for each session allows the ticketing system to continue to search for and allocate available tickets in lower price categories should your requested price category not be available.
無回答 2008/10/05 22:27:27
RES15さん、FAQのTicket Post-Purchase
What if I buy tickets and then cannot attend the Games in 2010. Can I transfer or sell my tickets?
We are developing an online ticket management program that will allow spectators who have purchased tickets but cannot attend to forward their tickets to a friend, or post their tickets for re-sale. A similar option is being explored where spectators will be able to donate tickets they cannot use to a local charity. Ticket holders must abide by the ticketing terms and conditions. The reselling of tickets through any source other than is prohibited and may result in tickets being invalidated.
ということですが、フォローしていただいた文章に「cannot attend to forward their tickets to a friend, 」とあるのですが、
よくコンサートのチケットなどはチケットマスターのTicket Exchangeで名義変更が可能ですよね?でも、オリンピックのチケットは、必要でなくなった場合、online ticket management programに戻してオフィシャルに見ず知らずの第三者に転売する以外方法はないと解釈したのですが、合っていますか?
Tickets will not have printed names on them, you will be able to give them to friends and family. We will also have a ticketing management system on the website where people will be able to post there tickets for re-sale.
WHO以降は”have purchased tickets but cannot attend”この部分のみにかかるのではないでしょうか
We are developing an online ticket management program that will allow spectators to forward their tickets to a friend, or post their tickets for re-sale.
spectators のあとの toは forward とpostのかかるのではないでしょうか?
who have purchased tickets but cannot attend to forward their tickets to a friend のぶぶんを抜いてしまうと
We are developing an online ticket management program that will allow spectators ( or) post their tickets for re-sale.
post にかかるToがなくなってしまうのです