Credit Card payments will be automatically processed as of the
1st of each month.
Date 07/02/26 Account#4980..watashino credit No..
Signature..kanjidekakimasita.(sottino hito kanjini yowaikara)
Expiry Date 04/09 koreha,watasihno,ka-do no kigen.
Visa X
By the ebidence of my signature,
I hereby authorize Imperial Parking Canada Corporation to charge parking charges and apploicable taxes to my credit card
account as notied above until such authorazation is cancelled
by me in writing .
It is the cusutomer’s responsibility to cancel the authorization upon termination and if the customer fail to do so,
the liability of IMPERIAL PARKING CANADA COEPORATION is limited to the ferund of a maximum of two month’s payment.
rejected transaction will be charged a $25.00
administration fee.
"I hereby authorize Imperial Parking Canada Corporation to charge parking charges and apploicable taxes to my credit card
account as notied above until such authorazation is cancelled
by me in writing."
Res.4 by カナダの田舎 from BC州の田舎 2008/05/11 01:20:51 CA