jpcanada.comについて / 広告募集中 / トップ

by 無言返信するなー! from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 02:53:31



Res.1 by ??? from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 02:58:27



Res.2 by はっ? from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 03:19:00

Res.3 by お前だろ! from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 03:32:10

Res.4 by バカだ〜 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 04:32:22


Res.5 by 狂言反対 from 無回答 2006/01/19 07:01:24






Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 10:24:53

なるほど、そういう見方もありますね。 私は、日本語を教えてくれなどとほざいている、英語でコメントするあの人だと思ってました。 ここや、恋話によく登場しているみたいですから。  
Res.7 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 10:27:44

Res.8 by 推理小説家 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 11:23:43



Res.9 by すべてコピー from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 13:08:12

Res.10 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 13:39:45

Res.11 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/01/19 19:10:02
Res.12 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/01/19 19:23:32

Res.13 by え?だからさ from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 19:44:12



Res.14 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 20:34:07

Res.15 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 21:21:41

Yah,right... always easy to blame others.

You do all write crappy English and a lot of the time crappy Japanese but what do I care. It’s funny the way all of you think you are teachers, when I say it back you can’t take the heat and now blame.. maybe it’s one of those 12 year old japanese boys on this site.  
Res.16 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 21:30:10

どうやら、犯人は、Res.13 の言うとおり、mooman のようですね!  
Res.17 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 21:33:38

where’s your proof? before you go blaming people provide your proof or be quiet.  
Res.18 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 21:36:30

Also, easy for you to say when you don’t even give you name. You seem more like a criminal to me using 無回答 for your name.  
Res.19 by to mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 22:51:33

u r not a native speaker. because even a 10 year-old kid can see ur poor grammar. r u a korean or chinese or who the hell?
shame on u! dont pretend to b a canadian. u r just an immigrant.  
Res.20 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 23:16:50

"a korean.. who the hell". Do you want to talk grammar - How many errors are with your horrible English sentence? We all know you can’t speak English but like a dumb ass you write in English. Why not just write in Japanese... maybe you can’t do that either.

My English grammar is perfect - you just don’t like what I write...!!!!

Everyone on this site does nothing but worry about other people’s English and worry when white guys ask Japanese girls out. I know Japanese men are famous for being immature but come on... grow up.... Besides, look at your horrible English... maybe you write in English because you can’t write in Japanese. I’ve met tons of Japanese people that can’t even write.. Japan is the number one country in the world for homeless people. Japan ranks 103 in the world for the ability to speak English... that’s a joke!... You sure have quite the complex telling someone their grammar isn’t perfect when you write the sentence in broken English. (Broken English is waseieigo)

Everyone knows you get more bees with honey rather than your insults....  
Res.21 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 23:24:01

by the way dumb ass - "native English speaker" does not = Canadian.

The next time you don’t understand one of my English words or expressions, please ask as I’d be happy to help you learn English.  
Res.22 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 23:27:37

 || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
 || ○荒らしは放置が一番キライ。荒らしは常に誰かの反応を待っています。
 || ○重複スレには誘導リンクを貼って放置。ウザイと思ったらそのまま放置。
 || ○放置された荒らしは煽りや自作自演であなたのレスを誘います。
 ||  ノセられてレスしたらその時点であなたの負け。
 || ○反撃は荒らしの滋養にして栄養であり最も喜ぶことです。荒らしにエサを
 ||  与えないで下さい。                            Λ_Λ
 || ○枯死するまで孤独に暴れさせておいて   \ (゜Д゜,,) キホン。
 ||  ゴミが溜まったら削除が一番です。       ⊂⊂ |
 ||___ ∧ ∧__∧ ∧__ ∧ ∧_      | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
      (  ∧ ∧__ (   ∧ ∧__(   ∧ ∧     ̄ ̄ ̄
    〜(_(  ∧ ∧_ (  ∧ ∧_ (  ∧ ∧  は〜い、先生。
      〜(_(   ,,)〜(_(   ,,)〜(_(   ,,)
        〜(___ノ  〜(___ノ   〜(___ノ
Res.23 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/01/19 23:34:08

Res.22 さん、最高!!!
最近、2ch に行ってなかったから、なつかしいです。
Res.24 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 23:34:42

は〜い、先生, 分かりました。。

gee, you sure told me...

Don’t forget to look in your pants... you’ll find your small complex there.  
Res.25 by to mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/19 23:38:27

haha~ u r a funny guy. i started to like u.

poor grammar means u have tried to write in perfect grammar and native speakers dont do that. besides, there r few mistakes... i am sorry, dude.

btw, b proud of ur country. english is not ur mother tongue so even if u speak "perfect" english, it means shit to the rest of world. making everyone speak ur language is something that should be proud of, but not u speaking other country’s language. so fuck off.  
Res.26 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 00:03:57

I shouldn’t even respond as you’re completely retarded however it’s funny that you tell me to promote speaking english but you yourself shouldn’t promote speaking Japanese...

I lived in Japan for 10 years... do you know what I like about Japan after 10 years? yakiniku.. and that’s not even Japanese..stolen from the Koreans (note that you don’t use "a" in from of a nationalities)

Anyway, I can honestly say that I like nothing about Japan. I think it’s a complete hole. Since we are on the subject and you are probably wondering why I don’t like Japan... Well, that’s easy.. the reason I hate about Japan is the Japanese people. Why do I hate Japanese people... well because they’re the most racist people in the world.

If you take a 10,000 japanese people you will only find maybe 1 that is cool. It’s actually quite sad that no matter how long a jap has lived overseas they are still racist. Test my thoughts... I bet you can’t find a Japanese person that will speak Japanese to a white person... there is no such thing.

Sure lots of the people I know speak nothing but jap to me but that’s because their english sucks. Just like my Japanese writing.. anyway.. after 10 years of living in Japan I’ve met hundreds of foreigners living in Japan and 100% of them have the same thinking as me.

Aren’t you sad that your country is a nasty place? I sure couldn’t be proud of such a racist dirty country. Maybe it’s a oood idea for you to take your racist ass and go back to Japan.
You can put your salaryman suit on and play pachiko.. don’t forget to smoke yourself to death while you are there.  
Res.27 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 00:17:40

I shouldn’t even respond as you’re completely retarded however it’s funny that you tell me to promote speaking english but you yourself shouldn’t promote speaking Japanese...

I lived in Japan for 10 years... do you know what I like about Japan after 10 years? yakiniku.. and that’s not even Japanese..stolen from the Koreans (note that you don’t use "a" in from of a nationalities)

Anyway, I can honestly say that I like nothing about Japan. I think it’s a complete hole. Since we are on the subject and you are probably wondering why I don’t like Japan... Well, that’s easy.. I hate Japan because I hate the Japanese people. Why do I hate Japanese people... well because they’re the most racist people in the world. Like a bunch of savages from the 1600 century.

If you take a 10,000 japanese people you will only find maybe 1 that is classy. It’s actually quite sad that no matter how long a jap has lived overseas they are still racist.

After 10 years of living in Japan I’ve met hundreds of foreigners living in Japan and 100% of them have the same thinking as me.

Aren’t you sad that your country is a nasty place? I sure couldn’t be proud of such a racist dirty country. Maybe it’s a oood idea for you to take your racist ass and go back to Japan.
You can put your salaryman suit on and play pachiko.. don’t forget to smoke yourself to death while you are there.  
Res.28 by 無回答 from 日本 2006/01/20 01:02:34

Res.29 by もう〜マン from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 01:16:40

al~right. go fuck urself, korean. i know the reason u r doing this is because u were hurt by japanese girls, go home and cry. dont come here again.  
Res.30 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 09:46:15

I’m not doing anything so stop blaming me. And yes, that’s smart, blame it on the Koreans. Personally I think it was some dumb small pecker jap that’s causing the problems.... heavens no, not a jap... racist pigs!

By the way, my wife’s a jap and I have 2 half jap kids. The only thing I hate about my wife is that her family is Japanese. It’s actually a pain in the ass having savages for family. Take the good with the bad I guess.  
Res.31 by もう〜マン from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 10:36:17

there is nothing wrong with being racist. it means we got something to be proud of. not like you. i was trying to save ur dumb ass as blaming it to koreans. but now i think u r from one of those 3rd world countries.

u r kidding, dude. i know u dont have a japanese wife. u just jerk off watching japanese porn. dont lie. it only shows ur stupidity.

dont put "the" in front of a noun that is not previously specified. go check ur dictionary before teaching other people "ur" english.  
Res.32 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 12:12:20

You state you are proud to be a racist. fucking dumb jap... I think your eyes are a bit too sloped it’s affecting your brain.

"The Korean’s" is spoken English however it’s usually not used in writing as it implies racism, segregating a group of people into one. Other examples would be: The Christians, The Jews, The Canadians etc.. You wrote:"blaming it to koreans" I had to give you free english classes so check with your ESL teacher why that’s not correct. No native speaker would say dumb shit like that. Okay, one more free lesson, the correct English would be: "blaming Koreans". Dumb Ass!!!

You’ll always have sloped eyes, short legs, a small dick and will never speak the god language like the white man. The white man will always look at you as being a savage. Be proud of that.... Go home.. make to your 3rd world japland... no more japs needed in Canada.
Go home japs!!!  
Res.33 by りかこ from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 12:31:29


Res.34 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 12:38:18

Rikako - this is what happens when you blame people or are rude to people for no reason. You japs are nothing but racist rude pigs. Instead of picking on me why not pick on the losers who start the problem, blaming and being rude.

It’s good someone is here to tell you all to go home. Go back to your nasty dirty shit hole of a country.

Go home japs - nobody wants you in Canada.  
Res.35 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 14:24:33

M, you don’t have to show off your English here. It seems like you think you are the best guy on earth or something but that’s total bullshit. And if you got stuff to say, say it in Japanese. Oh, you don’t know how? I’ll teach you.

I think Canada is making money because tons of International students come here. Don’t you even know that?

Nobody has ever treated you like shit? Well, here it goes!

Res.36 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 15:36:49

We don’t need your money - go home japs... nobody wants you in canada. Back to your shit hole of a country. Nobody wants to hear your crap english and look at your ugly monkey faces...

Go back to Japan!
Res.37 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 16:00:58

But isn’t it weird? If you hate Japanese, why is your wife Japanese? Contradiction, that’s all I want to say for now.  
Res.38 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 16:37:26

Hey moonman.

You are fucking gearbox. Don’t insult us. I am proud of Japanese. Stick out where the sun don’t shine. You are blankety blank catmite.!!
Canada is not your country. Canada is First Nations Country.
Check a national anthem. You go back to your country. Where does your grand parents hail from?  
Res.39 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 16:39:22

yah, like I said it’s too bad her family are stupid japs. She japanese but was brought up in England. The only thing jap about her is her skin color. My kids too... they only look like japs but when they open their mouths you know they didn’t come from such a horrible country. japland sucks, japanese people suck... nobody wants you here in canada. go home japs!  
Res.40 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 16:40:41

if you can’t write in english why not trying to writing in jap - dumb ass!  
Res.41 by to mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 16:45:57

oh, god. mooman doesnt have a japanese wife. he is lying....

he is from one of those 3rd world countries and immigrated here. actually pure canadians hate you guys more than japanese here, coz u guys screw up their country. u aint white so dont talk as if u were white. u r just a piece of shit. dont speak for canada. speak for ur country. what? southeast asia? africa? say it!

as i told u before, write it in your own language instead of english.

and remember dont speak for canada. she is not ur motherland.  
Res.42 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 18:26:28

Mr. Mooman, you are invited.

Please come here and talk to us.

Res.43 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 20:09:29

100 wow... bad monkey’s, bad monkey’s  
Res.44 by you, loser from バンクーバー 2006/01/20 21:15:34

I feel sorry that you married to jap woman.
You are one of the losers who can only marry jap girl.
Res.45 by mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/21 19:02:04

That’s a great reply... you are implying that marrying a japanese girl is worthless. So if you can’t be successful then get a jap.... only a dumb jap would write something racist about their own people and think it’s smart. No wonder you didn’t sign your name.

Yes, in most cases I have to agree, since japs are savages then I suppose if a dorky white guy couldn’t get a real girl, then he would have to settle for a jap import. That’s makes sense... if you can’t get a real girl settle for a jap. Aren’t you embarrassed?

Yes, I hate japs, yes, I hate japan... have you ever thought why someone would be so upset with you savages to actually call you monkey’s in today’s society? I think only a person who lived in japan and understands japanese could understand my hatred for your country and people.

I know korean people born in Japan, lived their all of their lives and can’t marry a japanese girl because they aren’t japanese. Did you know up until 10-15 years ago if a jap lady had a kid in Japan, the kid wouldn’t be japanese unless the father was a jap... sick.. that’s one fucked up sick country.

What makes me want to throw up is you savages come here and expect for us to accept you and not treat you like the savages you are, and were raised to be. How can anyone accept such a sick culture...?

Just the fact that you reply to my english messages in english is fucked up when you write shit english. I don’t really blame you for this ignorance as you don’t know any better because you were all raised as savages.... savages must speak english to look not like savages... I understand...

Nobody wants to speak english to you.. isn’t it time to go back to your shit hole of a country?

Gee--- why does this person hate japan so much... do you think I was born hating the japs? Hiroshima made me sick as a kid and now I applaud the event.

*this is great therapy for me... I have to get the hatred out of my system and what not a better way to self heal - lol....

bad monkey’s go home!  
Res.46 by 無回答人 from 無回答 2006/01/22 01:51:49

あんたムーンマンじゃなくてスペースマンさんなんだろ。あんたすごいよ。こんなに一杯一人でしかも英語でレス入れてさ。何処からそんなパワーが出てくるんだよ。教えてくれよ。本当はスペースマンだからなんて返事しないでくれよ。そしたらがっかりだよ。あんたが韓国人でも中国人でも日本人でも移民でもなんでもいいよ。俺に必要なのはあんたのような強さだ。でもそれがネガティブなパワーからくるものだったらやっぱり俺はあなたを軽蔑する。あとちょっと気になったんだけど、japanese people,korean peopleとかいちいちpeopleつけなくてもいいような気がするんだけど、、、。返事待ってます。  
Res.47 by to mooman from バンクーバー 2006/01/22 02:22:33

i think u r the one who is supposed to go back to ur shitty country. dont stay in this beautiful place.

nobody cares about ur opinion on japan, coz u r just one little piece of crap coming out of nowhere.

"heaven no"? "savage"? com’on! r u from the 50s? nobody speaks these in 21st century. go update ur english and ur brain.

oh, sorry. i forgot u dont have a brain. my bad!

i know u like japan. the reason u hate japanese is because u cannot become japanese. when u speak japanese, u have an accent. when u speak english, u still have an accent. so please speak ur shitty mother language. it would make u feel better!  
Res.48 by 無回答人 from 無回答 2006/01/22 23:47:49

Res.49 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/01/23 03:26:05


Res.50   from    

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