Japanese women are disgusting for me
無回答 2013/07/10 17:17:17
Hi guys. My name is Jack and I'm an exchange student from Canada who is currently in Japan. I've been here for about 6 months. I don't speak Japanese but I get around ok in Japan. I discovered this forum through a friend of mine who speaks Japanese.
The only thing I want to say is, Japanese girls are so slutty for white guys. I have a guy friend who slept with more than 400 Japanese women in 1 year. The common thing to do is to find a Japanese girl in a club in Tokyo area, bring her home and f@ck her, and go back to the club again to pick up another Japanese girl. You can do this 3 or 4 times per night and pretty much all girls you meet are willing to sleep with you.
I know many Japanese women and they are gold diggers for Japanese men. They only care what Japanese men can offer to them financially. However, when it comes to white men from Western world, they automatically open their legs and instantly become slutts.
I also met one girl who slept with me and she started to clean my room and make dinner for me. However, it was so annoying because I don't want her to go through my laundry and come to my home so often. In addition to being slutty, Japanese women also want to be house slaves. But it's so annoying to me because I want to be treated like a man, not a child.
Basically, most of my friends use Japanese women as sex slaves or house maids. For me, Japanese women are disgusting with low self-respect.And so many Japanese women talk to me in high pitched voices.
I don't understand why Japanese girls open their legs so easy to white men. They should have some standards don't they?
I may be rude, but this is how I really feel.
Res.1 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/10 17:30:22
Res.2 |
無回答 2013/07/10 21:14:04
Then don't sleep with them.
Stay away from them.
Res.3 |
無回答 2013/07/10 21:54:09
Yes, you are white guy disgusting us of all Japanese girls as well.
Res.4 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/11 01:21:45
Well, I used to be guilty of generalization too.
When I came to Canada to work at a school as a teacher, at first I thought all Canadians are
mortally idiotic, fat (not as fat as Americans, of course), apathetic, and incredibly lazy.
My employer lost my paperwork, my bank lost my money which almost killed me,
nurses forgot to check paper (or can't read?) and give wrong shots,
just too many troubles, and I thought, often those issues would have been
easily avoided if the person who handled the task did the very basic of his/her job description.
But you know what? Who am I to judge? I was a new-comer in a different country,
of course things are different. Due to the difference in culture, politics,
economy or whatever the reason is, people may have different attitude to different things.
and it's okay. When in Rome do what as the Romans do, right? (it’s not like I am going to smoke pot though.)
Yeah, many Canadians came on to me too, I guess, like you say, they might have thought
I was easy being a Japanese female, but I was not interested, so I did not sleep around,
but I could if I wanted to. But if I did, then it would have been mutual stupidity or youth, not just theirs or mine, I and they would have been using each others. NO big deal.
Now, it is true, there are a bunch of Japanese women who like Caucasian men and
they often seek them out, but so what?
And those girls, who might not be the smartest I might add, seek for somebody like you
and try (yes, “try”, because I am not sure if they had a good time) to have fun.
So, aren’t you offended when Japanese girls come to you only because you are a Caucasian?
Maybe they don’t have ability to see how shallow (or deep, possibly) you are,
how uncivilized you are or how unsophisticated you are.
Maybe they are not interested in knowing you at all. Don’t you find it insulting at all?
Lucky you (or maybe unlucky for you), because they are stupid (or simply they don’t care),
they do not care about your personality or true qualities (if you have any).
I think, nowadays, Caucasian men in Japan seem to be somewhat fun, exotic toys
for Japanese women. I would say, play with them and have fun with them if you want to.
They are disposable.
Not so long time ago, promiscuity was social stigma for Japanese women,
while men could sleep around a lot and it did not hurt his reputation.
I would say, ladies, have fun and enjoy your life.
Just don’t get wired STD from Caucasian men.
I may be rude, but this is how I really feel. ;-)
Res.5 |
無回答 2013/07/11 01:42:44
Actually, I'm not sure he's Caucasian.
My Caucasian friend says "It sounds like a jealous Asian man.(it may be rude:P) I don't think a Caucasian man would complain about lots of girls."
I thought it has a point or just a troll.
Res.6 |
無回答 2013/07/11 01:59:49
Res.7 |
無回答 2013/07/11 02:39:38
Res 4
Right, I don't think generalizing everything is a good thing. And sorry to hear your experience in Canada when you first arrived.
Maybe I did use some strong words a couple of times and I do want to express that I may have offended some Japanese women/men here.
Again, the sole reason I complain is because, I was looking for a serious relationship while I am in Japan. But the thing is I can't really find a serious girl who can commit to the kind of relationship I am looking for.
And it's a bit annoying to me when Japanese girls treat me like they just want a white-man status. And I do think these women are really shallow.
It may sound cheezy but I look for true love regardless of where I am. I don't care weather she is Canadian or Japanese.
Again, I do think Japanese women should have some standards when it comes to dating foreign guys.
Being slutty might sound good for other guys, but for me, I don't like it.
Res 5
Not many guys complain about girls when they can get them easily.
It's true not many white guys(or foreign guys in general in Japan) care what Japanese women think of them. Good for them. It's not my business.
No offense, but I know some guys who are in Japan just because they can't get a girl in Canada/US. But for me it's different, I had serious relationships back home in Canada.
Res.8 |
無回答 2013/07/11 03:04:23
I am interested in hearing your stories in Canada by the way. You can practice English with me and I would like to know how it's like to live in Canada for Japanese.
My Skype is:
and add me :)
Res.9 |
無回答 2013/07/11 11:39:42
Stupid white guy who wrote this topic from Japan, trying to fish critical japanese girl who can speak English,
Those two can be together and how they will be criticized to Japanese girl who gets laid all the time,
(Happy face what's wrong is t?)
Good luck!
Miserable you two!!!
Res.10 |
無回答 2013/07/11 14:07:51
>> Res 9
I see! Now I know what he wants to do here! I got it!lol
Res.11 |
無回答 2013/07/11 15:08:40
Hey Jack, you can't be serious. How should you think you can find a relationship AT A CLUB? Nobody's into you AT YOUR SCHOOL? You're too funny.
Res.12 |
無回答 2013/07/11 17:30:25
I am not sure if I understood everything you said. I am in Japan right now, why would I try to talk a girl in Canada if I want a sexual relationship?
You sound like a horny 12 years old. Do you understand other things other than sex? It sounds you can never actually get a girl to have a serious relationship with you.
I do have a girl I really like a lot. Unlike the majority of Japanese women here, she is shy and very traditional. I really like her. I am trying to improve my Japanese to talk to her more often.
Again, the reason I complain is, I don't like how the majority of Japanese women treat me. Their attitudes stinck. I am a guy and I have a brain. Not like some guys who just want to f@ck like rabbits.
Res.13 |
無回答 2013/07/11 19:14:02
If you have a girl you really like, why don't you focus on her?
Stop complaining. None of your business. Even Japanese women who you call "slut" have brains. It's their lives.
Res.14 |
無回答 2013/07/11 19:42:57
I don't know who you are but don't tell me what to do. I am here to bring a discussion and I do think Japanese women should have some standards. It's not your business either.
It's their lives but I am entitled to have my opinion. And I am entitled to share that onion. You have no right telling me what to do.
Res.15 |
無回答 2013/07/11 23:31:27
You can defence whatever us japanese commenting of your sentences.
You know why?
It goes around and comes around to you.
You started to opinionated to Japanese, now it's our turn to say
You are f*ck'n idiot stupid dum f*ck
Res.16 |
無回答 2013/07/12 00:01:33
When you say "our" turn, I don't think you meant to represent all Japanese people. In any case you are not qualified to do so. And in any case I did not address my opinion to the entire Japanese population.
Thus, your statement is unseasoned and fraudulent .
Also, turn off google translator.
Res.17 |
無回答 2013/07/12 00:17:39
I will not respond any further. I am highly disappointed when a guy starts to call me, "You are f*ck'n idiot stupid dum f*ck! (#15).
Farewell and good luck all.
Res.18 |
無回答 2013/07/12 04:22:17
Res.19 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/12 07:16:20
People,'s a troll.
Nice comments, though, by everybody else. The idea that you can generalise about the sexual habits of 60 million people should seem silly to anybody. By the way,I don't think he's a true native speaker either (I am), but he could just be a really, really stupid kid from Surrey.
"Japanese women are gold diggers for Japanese men" sounds more like Japanese English than it does Canadian.
No offence to the nice people in Surrey, of course.
Just ignore him.
Res.20 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/12 07:48:11
Res.21 |
無回答 2013/07/12 08:35:41
Hi, Jack. Interesting discussion here. High school/ first year university kids party and I have observed sluts here as well. I am not talking about only Japanese here. Didn't you go through partying before you went to Japan? One of my classmates had a big mouth telling everyone how many girls he slept with. So what you are experiencing there is no difference than what MOST kids go through at high school here. Please tell your friend to use proper protection as you never know what they've got. Can I ask you what kind of friend you've got there? Sounds like they are assholes using girls as slaves. Don't you have anything to say to your friends? Just letting that happen? I wouldn't call them "friends" if I were you and would stay away from them. There is nothing in them to inspire me as friends. Why don't you try to hung out with different of people. Trust me, there are lots of interesting things to do, beautiful places to visit out there aside from going drinking or hunting girls. Same here as well. If you go to a bar, you can only meet people 'that level.' Social/ fitness/ sports ... participating in social groups is the way to go to meet decent people.
The only thing I can totally agree with is their annoying high-pitch tone voice. That is annoying by the way.
Res.22 |
Res.23 |
無回答 2013/07/16 07:02:01
↑Your sentence is ackword. Topic sentence is japanese woman's disgusting for me.
You follow? It's not about how you glow up or raised; It's not relevant to the topic sentences.
Res.24 |
無回答 2013/07/16 15:08:08
Nationality is doesn't matter.
Depends on person,eh?
So silly thinking.
Also western guys f*ck' stupid...
Res.25 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/18 00:44:47
Manwhore gaijin like you are taking advantage of naive Japanese girls.
Why do you care if you are not interested in Japanese girls?
It is very tunnel-visioned to say 'ALL' Japanese girls are slutty.
Res.26 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/18 00:47:48
If you don't like Japanese girls, why do you sleep with them?
Get out of our country. Don't complain over there but just leeeeeave!!!
Res.27 |
無回答 2013/07/28 20:34:13
you are a disgusting human being !!!
DO NOT make a fool of japanese woman!!
Res.28 |
バンクーバー 2013/07/29 13:29:49
It doesn't make sense to generalize the whole population based on a few sluts you met at a slutty place. I know so many Japanese women who are respectful, independent and reserved, like many other wonderful women in the world. The reason you haven't or couldn't meet a decent women yet is that (1) You are ugly and disgusting (2) You are flabby and disgusting (3) You have no education or common sense (4) All of the above and you are not aware of it (my best bet is 4 btw). I doubt you're receiving these comments anymore because you may be scared no one in this forum agrees with you, but do continue to improve yourself so you can one day actually meet some "proper" women. Best of luck to you :)
Res.29 |
無回答 2013/07/29 21:08:48
Res.30 |
無回答 2013/08/14 15:30:36
Yes he is correct
but Japanese are not Christian so why do you expect chastity from them, sex is part of their culture. and most Japanese women does nto need to be a chritian minded. all hookers here in Vancouver are either Korean or japanese
Res.31 |
バンクーバー 2013/08/14 15:46:11
Res.30...But I've never encountered real Japanese hookers here in Vancouver!
You are assured that pretty much all ads for Japanese hookers on internet or print are
Koreans or Chinese who pretend to be Japanese women. For customers who don't know Japan or
can't speak Japanese, it doesn't matter, right. You just think they are Japanese because
they say they are. My friends and I, who are male and can speak Japanese as well as English,
have gone to buy many of those hookers who claim to be Japanese. We never proceeded because
we could easily tell they were not Japanese women. Most of them never went to Japan. None of them speak standard Japanese. The only close cases are Korean nationals who used to live as
resident Koreans in Japan. 99% of hookers who claim to be Japanese in Vancouver are hookers
from South Korea. Don't be deceived.
Res.32 |
無回答 2013/08/14 19:30:07
Yes, I don't know why Japanese girls open their legs so easy to white men, including nerd and losers like person who post this topic. m9(^Д^)フ゜キ゛ャー
Res.33 |
無回答 2013/08/14 20:09:15
Res.34 |
Classic stupid...
無回答 2013/08/24 12:08:38
I think YOU are the one who are disgusting...
Your stupid guy friends could get Japanese girls to fu*k cuz those girls who come there ( club) are planning to get someone to sleep with,too. It's not because you or your friends are cool or white guys.
It's just both of guys and girls came to the club to seek someone to fu*k and thats it. Nothing special.
I think you can see this happens anywhere in the world. I have lived in Australia and the USA but things are totally same there.
"Everyone wants to get someone to stay in a night."
Just you and your friends should realize that you are not special and you are disgusting.
Because what you do is basically same as what Japanese girls do that you are disgusting and making fun of it.
But it's also true that there are Japanese girls who would sleep with a guy because he is not Japanese.
So you should know and tell to your friends.
For those girls,they are willing to sleep with him if he is a white guy,American African guy or Latin guy etc...anyway if he is NOT a Japanese...cuz if so,they can tell to their friends like, " I slept with " foreigner" blah blah..." Just like what your friends are doing to you. So now I hope you realized why those girls slept with your friends is just because 1: they just wanted to fu*k with someone, 2:they can do exactly same thing to their friends as your friend does to you.
Not because you are special there.
Anyway in my opinion all of you and your friends,also those Japanese silly girls are stupid and very sad people.
You don't have someone special so you got that idea and also going to that kind of place.
Grow up and try to find more right things to do. If possible, someone special or respect.
If you say you can't,then it's your problem and go ahead and dig the poor life.
But if you understand what I mean,use the important time for more important things and people.
You aren't in Japan to waste your time,are you?
Res.35 |
無回答 2013/10/03 22:22:55
Stop generalizing and say "Japanese WOMEN are disgusting" just based on your own biased opinions and your friend's stupid experiences. F*cking racist cunt, go back to Canada.
Res.36 |
バンクーバー 2013/10/07 23:29:24
are you atacan?
Res.37 |
バンクーバー 2013/10/13 11:46:28
I totally agree .
You guys are like brand bag for them.
That's why it never lasts long.
Res.38 |
無回答 2013/10/13 19:48:29
Omg white people stinks.
smells like shit.
Res.39 |
無回答 2013/11/07 14:27:49
I know you are not Canadian
Most of the people who you are describing are not Canadian. Japanese people are not slutty its your mind who sees them like that, Most of the people who are having sex with Japanese are Middle Eastern or South American people, who say they are from USA or Canada. If you think you people are slutty and easy to sex it means you are equally responsible for that. You have no respect for a human but just a materialist minded person who can not see the good in humanity
Res.40 |
無回答 2013/11/08 09:57:32
Some of japanese women are ugly.
Looks like monkey.
Res.41 |
無回答 2013/11/23 18:39:30
Res.42 |
無回答 2013/11/24 13:45:41
Res.43 |
バンクーバー 2013/12/17 17:05:54
I believe you're going a bit too far to make a case out of this. Saying people who do this are not Canadian and putting blame on others do not resolve any issue. The reality, if you ever lived in Japan, is that there are many Canadian,Americans, Brits, and Aussies who just are as guilty as others.
The issue with the initial post is that, he generalizes "every Japanese women" as sluts. Well, if that's the care, I invite you to go to clubs just here in Canada and see it really doesn't take too much to get into "some" Canadian girls' pants! One or two drinks and a bit of joke and laugh just do the work.
Let us just all grow up and be respectful to others.