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Res.1 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/05/07 15:56:15

When you say "We Canadian", what are you? And I don't find your written English well enough. Did you go to college? LOL
Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/05/07 15:57:25

If you lose Japanese girls, you will not have anyone to have sex with. Loser.
Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/05/07 16:32:52

Res.4 by Observer from 無回答 2011/05/07 16:47:02

Judging from your initial post, I've come to the following conclusions:

a- You're Asian yourself

b- You were either dumped by a Japanese girl or rejected several times, and have thus chosen to believe that there's something wrong with them, rather than with you.

c- Your English SUCKS

d- Your English SUCKS donkey cock

e- Please refer to (d) and (c) above

My advice: get some help. Trolling on a Japanese website ain't gonna make you more likable. Oh and one more thing: calling someone "tricky and stupid" is like an oxymoron. If they're tricky, then they surely possess the intellectual capabilities to dupe you, and thus can't be called stupid. YOU on the other hand, must be pretty stupid if you got tricked by a "tricky and stupid" girl.

For the record, I am NOT Japanese.
Res.5 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/05/07 21:18:19

wtf... what a loser
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/05/08 23:04:59

Res.7 by スーパー部長さん from バンクーバー 2011/05/08 23:40:07

By the power of hot Japanese girls, I HAVE THE POWER!!!!

You're one of three types of people:
1. A very kind man writing in a simple way so non-native English readers can understand easily what you're trying to express.
2. Asian male who suck with girls of all kinds.
3. Dumb as rocks Canadian who really shouldn't be allowed to date or have children for fear have spawning more retards.

Honestly, I feel your pain. The constant rejection is starting to create all sorts of mental problems in you; even your English ability has dropped to that of a second year ESL student. I agree that staying in Vancouver for 3 months probably isn't the best way of learning English but it's their choice and fun. If you don't like Japanese girls, stop going to the library and asking them, "are you Japanese? Will you have dinner with me? I'll pay and give you money too. Then we can look at my anime collection."

Wait. I know why you call the selfish and naive! You must have convinced one to go to dinner with you (which you consider selfish since you paid) and tricked them into having sex (naive because they thought all Canadians have big penises and you don't. Yes. That is naive. Very naive. Tiny penises exist here too.)

I'm proud to be an Asian-Canadian guy (the worse combination) and have a super hot Japanese girlfriend who is proud to be Japanese and happy to not date guys who aren't assholes. Stop caring what nationality girls are and just enjoy yourself and whoever you are lucky enough to meet. Play nice and you'll eventually have stupid children with someone. Good luck!

Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2011/05/16 01:43:18

ん?ていうかこのトピ主Native English Speakerじゃないでしょ。。この文章。ネイティブのものではない。
Res.9 by 無回答 from 無回答 2011/05/17 10:21:01

If you were a native English speaker then I'm sorry for your language skills.
And I do not believe that all Japanese girls wants to pretend to be white or Canadian,
I am an Asian male and I do not mind being Asian in anyone's eyes, by the way you are an idiot in everybody's eyes.
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