jpcanada.comについて / 広告募集中 / トップ

Re:Partner 募集。私マルチリンガル。話題豊富。
by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 21:40:05

役所公司似の32歳。UK&Japanとのハーフです。I hope to mix up with you on the beach in a mood.UK 生まれ、育ちなので、Partner を楽しませることができます。I hope to meet with you in casual clothes.
The spot,place& time fixed for meeting each other is waterfront station,isn’t it?
連絡してください。17788599600 &
Enjoying mixing up with either,further my heart is grand for you.Call me ASAP.
エッチは、in a mood 、その中で、楽しみましょう。わがままなんでも受け付けます。
国際派のgentle-man です。体もathlete系で楽しめますよ。
世界中をscuba-diving で、15カ国行きました。話題豊富で楽しいひと時を過ごしましょう。

Res.1 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 21:43:14


Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 22:29:06

Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 22:42:45

Res.4 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/26 23:11:29

Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 23:30:07

You forgot to tell us what you had for breakfast today...  
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 23:54:39



Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/27 15:16:17

Res.8 by 無回答 from エドモントン 2009/07/27 16:38:39


Res.9 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/27 18:35:48

Res.10 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/28 06:56:06


Res.1 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 21:43:14 CA


っていうか、32歳でCA目指してるの?ま、がんばんな。あんまり頭良くなさそうだし。 →返信

Res.2 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 22:29:06 CA

トピ主さん、日本語をしっかり勉強してください。 →返信

Res.3 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 22:42:45 CA

薬で脳みそもハーフになっちゃってるとか?w →返信

Res.4 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/26 23:11:29 JP

ゆーけー生まれだからパートナーを楽しませることが出来る(笑) →返信

Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 23:30:07 CA

You forgot to tell us what you had for breakfast today... →返信

Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 23:54:39 CA



ダレウマw →返信

Res.7 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/27 15:16:17 JP

全くもてなくて必死なのか →返信

Res.8 by 無回答 from エドモントン 2009/07/27 16:38:39 CA


そんなの書いてあったの? →返信

Res.9 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/27 18:35:48 CA

Res.11 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 01:42:52

Res.12 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/30 03:31:18


Res.13 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 06:05:19

Res.5 君 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/26 23:30:07 CA

You forgot to tell us what you had for breakfast today...

英語ができないから、上記のような奇妙な文を載せるのでしょう。電話かけてこいよ。Japanese-English は、sentence & its structure ができてないから、中身がない。
e-mail& 電話かけてこいよ。
Res.14 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 06:09:43

Res.4 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/26 23:11:29 JP


Res.15 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 06:11:44

Res.5 君 訂正
Res.16 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 09:46:22

Res.17 by Res5 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 11:53:04

Res5 です。


Res.18 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 13:52:43

RES 5 君。怖がらずに、臆病にならずに、先ず、e-mail送ってください。
君の能力を認識した後に、近場で会いましょう。当方、カナディアンの仲間5人連れて行きます。ただで足運びません。1時間Debate しましょう。その課程で大方勝敗は決まります。

Res.19 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 13:55:10

Res12 さん。
Res.20 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 14:46:56

Res.21 by Res5 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 14:49:32

You know I have your cell number right? You were smart enough to post it for the whole world to see. I can now find out where you live realize that right?
Are you sure you want to talk so much sh*t online like that? You never know who you’re going to run into online...

1 hour debate with you? No thanks, I think I already know your intelligence level. You’re the type of person with balls so small that you feel the need to pick fights online at the age of 32!!!! lol! Don’t you have anything better to do Nikky boy?
Oh yeah, not to mention that after all that tough talk, you claim you’re going to bring 5 of your "canadian" buddies. lol

Me? run? never dude. I have no where to run. It’s you who should calm the f*ck down...remember, I have your number Nikky.
落ち着いて考え直して出直しな you half breed muthaf*kka!  
Res.22 by Res5 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 14:53:39


間違えない! 笑  
Res.23 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/30 15:03:45

Res.24 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 15:25:49

参加したのが間違いだったよ。仕事に専念しますわ。Res5君、こんなつまらない、いさかいに、レベル3/9の文章を送ってきたわけ?笑ってしまいました。自身持ってるの?大笑い!Japanese English って、ピンボケしてるから、あと、構成が逆です。日本人同士なら、わかるのかもね。IELTS LESS THAN 3だから。
sentence とそのstructureが、異様なのです。英語スコア取りなさいよ。この文章COPYして、記録として保存します。あなた、常連らしいから(もう情報収集してます)近く、動きがあります。UK では、誰も君の文読まないよ。君しゃべれるの?
Res.25 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 19:43:49

トピヌシサンヨ ここであなたの英語で返せばレス5も納得いくのでは
Res.26 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 19:58:21

Res.27 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 21:14:33

Res 5 の英文? あれ、英文ではありません。中卒なの?res5さん?
私英語を嫌いな日本人に教えたくないのですよ。中身がつかめません。みなさんの世界では、あれ(res5) アルファベット、英単語の連なり?あれ、英語なの?
Res.28 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 22:07:11



Res.29 by Nikk from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 22:25:56

res 28 さん。
あなた含めて、私に挑発してくる日本人サンをただ、ばかにしてるだけ。だって、君ら、英語もその他の言葉もは話せない、知識もない。女性はYellow Cab が多いし。もう話しても後は、もう同じことの繰り返し。自分が英語すら話せない、コミュニケーションの手段としても使えない。そんな、キャブいっぱい見てきたぜ。でも、貴様、10代でよくここVancouver に来たね.褒めてやる。
Res.30 by 元一和会 仁義を命とする from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 23:28:19

Res.31 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/07/30 23:39:29

Why Study English.
"Why do we have to study English?" How many freshman university students must ask themselves this question? After studying English for six years in high school, why do they have to continue to study in university? This is not an easy question to answer.
Of course, there are some simple reasons for studying English. For example, English is useful for traveling or for giving directions to foreign tourists. But having an entire generation of young people study English for several years seems a lot of effort just so they can give directions or ask for a coke in a restaurant in Hawaii. A good phrase book will give most people all the English they need for travel or giving directions.
Another reason for studying English is that it might be useful in future employment. Perhaps, but these days, even students who speak English very well have difficulty finding jobs in which they can use their English. Let’s face it, most people seldom have a chance to use English at work. Some employers want to hire students with good English ability, and some employees will have chances to work abroad and speak English, and so studying English is not a bad career investment. Nevertheless, it is hardly a reason for making every university student, even those with modest career ambitions, continue to study English in university.
Some people say students should study English because it is an international language. This may be true, but it is less true than it was in the past. The waning of imperialism and changing demographics have seen the percentage of the world speaking English decline from around 9.8% in 1958 to 7.6 percent in 1992. Among the educated elites of the world, however, the power of English endures. When a diplomat from Indonesia negotiates with a bureaucrat from Germany, they are likely to speak English. When a United Nations envoy speaks with an Arab military leader they are likely to speak English. However, Japan’s future elite comprise only a small percentage of the university population, and they are concentrated in a few top universities. Why then do all the other students still have to study English, too?
Besides, Japanese has become an important world language, too. Nowadays, Japanese can travel all over the world and find waiters, desk clerks, tour guides and bank tellers who speak Japanese. Throughout the world, hundreds of thousands of students are busy learning Japanese. Some people claim that the best way for Japan to integrate itself with the rest of the world is to pave the way for others to learn Japanese. With the increasing role of Japanese as an international language, do Japanese really need English as a second "international language"? Already lots of Japanese can speak English? In Japan, they may be embarrassed to use English in public, but many "ordinary Japanese" are actually quite good at reading and speaking English. For example, it has been estimated that for every 500 Americans in Japan doing business in Japanese, there are 10,000 Japanese in America doing business in English. Moreover, many students study abroad for a year or more, and when Japanese businessmen are transferred to a post abroad, they often take their families with them, giving their wives and children a chance to improve their English as well. When these people return to Japan, they tend to disguise their language ability, but they nevertheless constitute a vast, "hidden" reserve of English speakers in Japan.
There are reasons why English is a compulsory subject at university that have little to do with the needs of students. One example is simply the conservative nature of universities. In Japan, at least since Heian times, Japanese higher education has been centered on foreign languages. In the Heian academies, the language of instruction was Chinese. Chinese scholars were brought in at great expense, and students studied Chinese classics. Later, in the Tokugawa Period, progressive scholars studied Dutch, thinking it was the language of science and technology in Europe. With the opening of the country in the Meiji Period, scholars began to study German, French, and especially English. The Meiji government recognized the importance of European languages, and turned a Tokugawa bureaucracy responsible for the "translation of barbarian books" into Tokyo Imperial University. For its entire history, the Japanese university has relied on foreign languages to translate foreign learning. For most of the twentieth century, knowledge has been imported to Japan mainly through English.
The economics of the education industry also brings pressure upon students to study English. The teaching of English is a huge industry in Japan. Teachers, jukus, textbook publishers--tens of thousands of people and thousands of companies make money from English education. Millions of yen are invested in advertisements to promote language study. Even travel companies, and foreign schools and communities profit when Japanese study English abroad. It is no exaggeration to say that "education" is one of Japan’s biggest and most important industries, and that English-language education is a profitable "product" in that "market."
Are Japanese students simply being deceived and coerced into studying English? Not necessarily so. There are, after all, reasons for studying English in university that have little to do with an individual’s or a nation’s economic advantage. One reason is that in their six years of high school, students did not really study English--they studied about English. In Japan, high school English is aimed at university entrance exams. Students memorize rules and vocabulary, and translate sentences. Their relationship with the language is almost completely passive and receptive. Most instruction is in Japanese, and students seldom have a chance to use English for real communication. They become immersed in written English, but spoken English remains unfamiliar. They can pass difficult entrance exams, but find it difficult to say even "Good morning" to a foreigner. University English courses should offer students something different. If university English courses give students a chance to discover the pleasure of being able to communicate in a foreign language, students who were turned off by high school English might discover that they like English after all.
Another reason why English is important in Japan is that it is not only an international language, it is also a Japanese language. In Japan, English is no longer a "foreign" language. As a matter of fact, perhaps a quarter of the active vocabulary of modern Japanese is derived from English. Certain professions in Japan rely heavily upon English. For example, in the biomedical sciences the volume of research, reports and articles published in English in Japan is more than the combined amount published in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Moreover, this "English presence in Japan" has little to do with political power and economic advantage. It is part of a world-wide phenomenon.
Even in countries like Sweden and Switzerland that have never been subjugated by English nations, English is studied eagerly, especially by young people. More than one third of Europeans between the ages of 17 and 24 can speak English. Business and political elites have their English, but the young of the world also use English to unite youth culture. There are hundreds of thousands of English speakers living in Japan, and many of them are young. Today in Japan, there is a huge English-speaking community, with English newspapers, movies, schools, television, libraries, internet pages, and places of entertainment. Meanwhile, outside Japan, Japanese artists, cooks, academics, designers, scientists, musicians, religious leaders, and sportsmen live and work using English. Japanese are now moving out into the world and taking part in the international community primarily through the English language. The English language has become part of Japanese culture and identity.
The real purpose of a liberal education is to gain understanding. All understanding is, in a way, self-understanding. If Japanese students are required to study English, the policy can only be justified if the kind of English taught in university is different from the kind of English taught in high schools. It should not be English for tests, but English for life. English studies must help students to increase their understanding of the world, and to broaden their own identities as Japanese who can speak English.
Thank you for reading this.  
Res.32 by 無回答  from バンクーバー 2009/07/31 00:18:32


書いた人は、Allan BAILEYっていう大学の教授だよ。  
Res.33 by Res5 from バンクーバー 2009/07/31 03:22:27

誰が"I hope to meet with you in casual clothes"って言う?

”The spot,place& time fixed for meeting each other is waterfront station,isn’t it?”

”Enjoying mixing up with either,further my heart is grand for you.”



Res.34 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/07/31 08:49:22


いや、大丈夫。トピ主も半分日本人だから 笑

トピ主さん、トピでは自分を良いように書いてますけど、レスを読んでる分には教養のない子供程度の頭しかないように思えます。というか、もう消えるんじゃなかった?これ読んでる皆があなたのことを笑ってますよ。きっと。しかもUKと日本のハーフでカナダに住んでる人って少ないでしょう。特定されますよ 笑
Res.35 by anan from バンクーバー 2009/07/31 18:58:41

Res.36 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/08/01 18:07:08

Res.37 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/08/04 14:28:23


>“女性はYellow Cab が多いし”

Res.38 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/08/05 00:30:18


Res.39 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/08/06 14:22:50

ていうかよ〜、このNikkって野郎読んでるだけで頭来るよな! 本当ぶち殺してやろうか・・ 英語がなんぼのもんじゃこら! てめえはアホか? !間違いなく電話して1対1で殺す。英語なんかはっきりいやカスだ!! ていうかこの国で逆にどのぐらいの人間が英語以外の言語をペラペラに話せんだ? 俺達日本人はな〜少なくともお前らよりは絶対に頭がいい! 英語以外の言語がペラペラだからだ。 こいつのクソ日本語じゃあ英語できない日本人と一緒のレベルだろう。 てめえが何かの第二外国語がペラペラだった時初めて認めてやる。 クソ英語振りかざしてえらそうにすんなボケ!  
Res.40 by 無回答 from 無回答 2009/08/06 15:51:17

>国際派のgentle-man ・・

それからpunctuation めちゃくちゃです。
本当に英語書けるの? 是非拝見したいですね。
Res.41 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/08/06 20:20:12

Res.42 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/08/06 21:16:15

Res.43 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2009/08/07 12:18:13

こいばな(恋話)トップ 新規投稿 トップ
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