Hello all. I miss you all.
I痿况e had less time lately to spend here. Life has been busy and Obama won the election so I痿冦 still celebrating it :)
I miss you all and miss the good advice I used to give you about love and sex with black people. Recently I got a Nintendo Wii so I痿冦 thinking less about love and more about Mario. I Know the weather is cold outside and I hope you all have someone who would keep you warm in bed. As for me, I still don痿冲 have that special person who keeps my bed warm. It is hard to find that perfect lover sometimes. Someone hot and sexy and tall and beautiful and smart and educated and always horney. I tell people that you never meet a perfect lover. You meet someone and you learn to love them and get used to them. If they love you they will get used to you too and accept you the way you are .. sometimes I think I should listen to my own advice. We all seem to love people who love other people and we find ourselves loved by people we don痿冲 really like. That痿冱 my story too. I love japanese girls and they love white people. I want to find my perfect japanese lover and they just want sex with lots of white people they find on the streets and bus stops. Some times I think life is not fair. But I understand that love is not by force and girls need to make their own mistakes and live their own experiences too.
So don痿冲 give up on love and don痿冲 waste your time with someone when your feelings tell you they are just wasting your time. Maybe your perfect lover is that one that you haven痿冲 met yet. Love and hope work together in tim horton.
As for me.. I still have love and I still have hope. I also think about the future. that;s why on this coldest day of the year I痿冦 going to buy a motorcycle that I want to ride next summer.
So, stay hopeful and remember the cold never lasts for ever; and the summer sun will always come out again. I wish that you all have sex with black people this christmas and you remember me when you do it. maybe even accidentally call him Clinton when you痿决e screaming during sex. And I promise to always come back here and check on you to see if you still can walk the next day :)