it is obvious from these responses that you can’t paint everyone with the same brush.. I’ve heard so many things about south koreans too but I have a korean friend and he is a very decent and cool person. not long ago there was the story of the japanese girl who married a korean guy after a 6 year love story and had a car accident in richmond and died. sometimes you should just enjoy what you have. love is crazy and you can never tell who you will fall in love with one day.. maybe one day you will take a big black guy like me to meet your mom. maybe I will do your mom too.. hehe... but love is crazy and if you are a loving person you wouldn’t think all koreans are the same as not all japanese are the same. most of these relations you have while going to ESL class with other koreans or mexicans are not really a meaningful relationships because you are both from somewhere else and you know everything about your stay here is temporary and one day you have to go to your normal life. maybe I say all this because I like Kim Jong il. maybe...
watashi wa mita!!!
無回答 2007/10/10 23:18:22
enkyori no aida 100% KANKOKUZIN wa uwaki shimasu
トロント 2007/10/10 23:31:38
バンクーバー 2007/10/11 12:50:29
I know this sounds crazy and you wouldn’t really care but a miracle happened last night.. I met 2 hot korean girls while getting a coffee and now we’re gonna go out this weekend. apparently they are art students and open minded. life is funny sometimes. thank you little baby jesus :)