you guess right... all the jap boys have small cocks... the majority act like children so their cocks are the same size as children cocks... how can they possible satisfy the white woman.
the only time you see a white woman with a jap boy is if she’s a complete loser and usually fat. the funny thing is if a white guy is a complete loser and goes to japland he can get all the jap pussy he wants... there are tons of english whores out there that will f*ck for english - the small cock jap boys want to do this too but nobody is dumb enough to waste their time on a jap boy.
jap men have very small cocks. I’ve been to the swimming pools in japan and it’s shocking how small their cocks are.. They look like little boy cocks. I feel sorry for the woman as they are so small and tiny... very tiny... smaller than my little finger... no wonder jap guys can’t get girls in canada..
あのへん 2006/07/24 01:09:18
バンクーバー 2006/07/24 02:32:39
Ok mooman, i’ll believe you
u know why?
cuz the fact that u like to look at other men’s dicks in changing rooms tells me u’re gay
u’ve probably slept with white guys and Japanese guys and that’s why u know the size of different men’s penis sizes, right?
that’s why i believe you, mooman. i’m sorry our men couldn’t satisfy you when they tried to f*ck you
バンクーバー 2006/07/27 19:18:09
I’m a Japanese but I’ve been with couple of white girls.
Now for you my man, your f*cking right with the cock size but thats not the only reason jap can’t hook up with white chics, Anyways, they don’t have the conversation skillz as you canadians. I personally think white chics are easier. Its not the cock size but the technique biatch!.
I don’t think you have very much experience with dating men. Thare are a lot of kind of men out there and you cannot say "white is good" or "asian is not good" et cetra.
Go out and meet people. You will learn how much diversity we have as human beings.
It’s not the length! It’s not the size! It’s how many times you can make it rise!!!
but in all seriousness, not all Japanese men have small cocks and big attitudes.
Your being way to judgemental, there are many upright Japanese gentlemen as there are wonderful Canadians.