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Passionate, professional Taiwannese man looking for Japanese girl in Vancouver
by Mike from バンクーバー 2006/03/20 15:53:02

I’m originally from Taiwan but has been living in vancouver for 6 years. I work as a professional IT consultant, love music, outdoor activitities such as snowboarding, skiing, hiking, travel, camping, badminton etc. I’m an honest, responsible and passionate person, who would like to fully utilize his potentials to lead a meaningful life. I’m a bit obsessed by Japanese girls and would like to meet a cute, well educated and nice Japanese girl, between 22-28. We can start as friend, and see where it leads in the future. Drop me a line, I’ll get back to you soon :)

Res.1 by cookies from バンクーバー 2006/03/27 00:27:06

Are you very serious about this ? You must be very shy...  
Res.2 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/03/27 12:08:17

this sounds so silly. obsessed by japanese?? you just wanna get laid with hot japanese don’t you?  
Res.3 by 無回答 from 無回答 2006/03/27 12:43:05

Res.4 by 大和撫子 from バンクーバー 2006/03/27 13:00:32

How Old are you?
Res.5 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/03/28 09:38:28

u sickening bastard.. right there u just embarrased all taiwanese guys... i think u watched too much porn at ur IT work and had too many wet dreams fanticizing japanese girls moaning to u.. u don’t care if u could communicate with them or not... u just want to actualize ur sick dreams... wake up man... look at what u wrote.. meaningful life? passionate? obssession? u sound only like a disguesting person to me..  
Res.6 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/03/28 22:57:38


i agree with u.  
Res.7 by Weber from 無回答 2006/04/02 13:56:45

lets not talking about the original poster (taiwannese)
I think the comments above are totally insulting others,and humiliate others. such bad manner only reflect poster’s own prejudice mind.
Res.8 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/04/22 12:13:22

Res.9 by 無回答 from バンクーバー 2006/04/22 17:55:53

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