PAP TESTとは子宮ガン検査ですよね?
Cervical Cancer is usually caused by a virus. Some people are prone to it and others aren’t. Even if there was a abnormality in your cell, sometimes it goes away on its own. I had to go in for a another test but after that it was fine. Don’t worry too too much until you get tested the second time.
It is recommended that you go in for a pap smear every 6 months if you are sexually active.
Do you smoke? cuz if you are a smoker, then you’re more likely to have abnormality in your cells as well.
I actually do not know why it’s recommended to get tested when you are sexually active but, it’s not a STD ... so don’t worry, your partner is not infected.
I don’t know if your pregnancy is a factor, but seriously, anyone can get it. As long as you go in to get tested regularly
it is very unlikely that you will get Cervical Cancer.
The problem occurs when you leave it, (i think someone else mentioned it too..)
I know how you feel cuz that’s exactly how I felt when I was called in for a second test.... So don’t stress yourself out cuz Stress is also another factor that causes abnormality...
バンクーバー 2007/07/11 22:08:34
PAP TESTは生理終了後1週間くらいなんですね。その頃には膣内に残った血液も出きっているのでしょうか。