Salary calculation: Result
Pay period frequency:
Biweekly (26 pay periods a year)
Date the employee is paid:
2017-02-28 (YYYY-MM-DD)
Province of employment:
British Columbia
Federal amount from TD1:
Minimum - 11,635.00 (Claim code 1)
Provincial amount from TD1:
Minimum - 10,208.00 (Claim Code 1)
Salary or wages income 430.00
Total cash income 430.00
Taxable income for the pay period 430.00
Pensionable earnings for the pay period 430.00
Insurable earnings for the pay period 430.00
Federal tax deduction 0.00
Provincial tax deduction 0.00
Total tax deductions 0.00
CPP deductions 14.62
EI deductions 7.01
Total deductions 21.63
Net amount 408.37