カナダ人2人language exchange (^-^)/
S and J
バンクーバー 2014/09/08 02:45:35
Hello, nice to meet you. My friend and I would like to do language exchange with you in Vancouver.
We both want to learn Japanese. I used to live in Japan and my conversation skill is not bad, but I'm slowly losing my vocabulary.. Now I'm not a teacher, but I still want to study Japanese! I'm going to vacation in Japan soon, please help me practice my Japanese. :-)
My friend is a student and she is studying Japanese in university. She recently passed a difficult Japanese language test (JLPT level 3) and she knows a lot of Kanji. Although she can read and write fairly well, she has little practice with conversation. She likes anime/manga and she's slightly otaku. :-D She has lived in Turkey, France, Montreal, and now she lives here. She plans to move to Osaka next year, so she really wants to learn to speak Japanese. Please help us learn! m(_ _)m
この長いメールをすみませんな、私たちの二人は楽しいの人といっしょにLANGUAGE EXCHANGEしたいしい日本人の友だち会いたい。もしよかったらplease send us an email and じこしょうかいしてください。1人も大丈夫、2人も大丈夫よ。 (^ー^)ノ