日本にいる間のアコモデーションのアドレスのところで躓きまして、”Please enter single-byte alphanumeric symbols and spaces in capital letters in Address of the accommodation.”のエラーがでます。どうやってもうまくいきません、もともと記入するとき、大文字がデフォルトになっていて、半角とかにもできないし、途方にくれてます。どなたかお知恵を拝借できますでしょうか?
<Applicants without a "Certificate of Completion of Registration to the ERFS system" for visiting relatives>
Copy of passport
Facial image
Invitation Letter, etc. (note 3)
Documents to prove kinship (Birth certificate, Marriage certificate, certified copy of the family register, etc.)
<Applicants without a "Certificate of Completion of Registration to the ERFS system" for visiting relatives>
Invitation Letter, etc. (note 3)
(note3) Those foreign nationals who apply for a Japanese visa for spouse or child of a Japanese national / permanent resident /”Long-Term Resident” don’t need to submit an Invitation Letter. However, please submit the same document which has been submitted to prove kinship.